- Created By bowstaff
"this afternoon, i will teach you the substitution jutsu." sensei said.
i knew this already. it was easy to do and easy to fool someone. i, personaly, was realy good at it. Though, nobody has ever fooled me with it. ever.
"i will split you up into groups to practice this tecnique," sensei continued."QuiQue, Jeramy, and Ohlana will be in one group. Stert, Lee, and Tenchi will be in the second."
and so on....
after assigning groups, sensei gave us directions. i was only half listening.
"you have 45 minutes to try and do a successful substitution jutsu." sensei blabbered on.
When we got into our groups, sensei came around and gave each group three logs. i let Quique and jeramy take the two first. both were nervous and didn't want to do it first.
"Aren't you going to try?" i asked.
they stared at me nerously.
"do you want to try frist?" jeramy asked.
"I know how to do it. would you like me to show you?"
"Yes please"
"Ok, give me the log"
Quique handed me his.
Tori,Mi,Inu (hand signs) Poof! Substitution Jutsu!
now there were two off me.
they looked at me amuzed.
"i had already known how to do this so it was easy for me to do" i explained.
the sensei must have seen because he had walked over after that.
"when did you learn that?" he asked.
"three years ago" i said matter of factly.
"if you can do that, then why aren't you gradguated yet?"
"I havn't been to any acadamy before so i could never gradguate."
"Oh. Well, than stay after school today and we will see about that test. Ok?"
"fine by me"