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Welcome to my world, everyone!

Let me introduce myself. *bow* I have a secret crush on....myself. JK I love myself, but not so much that I become a narcissus. xD

I am a high school student, who has a tendency to constantly fall asleep in class. And when not sleeping, playing on my itouch. My teachers don't mind as I am one of the top students in all my classes. :D I hope it stays that way when I start being able to take AP classes next year!

I love making wallpapers/ecards. Anything digital and not related to me having to draw. My drawings usually end in disasters. >.>

That's about all I can say for myself. :P Anyways, enjoy your time here!

New video. YESH

Normally, I have a new video come out every weekend, but due to technical difficulties (ah, technology *shakes head*), I wasn't able to post it onto Youtube until today.

This video was requested by Kaisan~~
Enjoy! :D

Maji Love 1000% Medley Video!

So, I made a new video, combining almost ALL the songs in Maji Love 1000%. So far, I didn't get any warning emails, so let's hope this one stays up! Hope you all like it!

ITS UP!!!!

YAY! I've finished subbing another song! This time's request that I subbed was a song from Maji Love 1000%. The person never specified WHICH song, so I chose one that hasn't been subbed yet- My Sweetest Love. It's not the full version cause I couldn't find the full version. Check it out, everyone! :]

I hope this one doesn't get blocked. I've taken precautions just in case, but you never know!

Asu no Yoichi

Have any of you guys watched this anime? Sure, there's a few parts where the girls show a tiny bit extra skin/the boobs are wayyyyyyy too large to be real, but the plot is really good, and it should be fine for like.....10+ ages! The samurai dude is awesome, the fighting is interesting. No blood, funny parts, interesting plot, you guys should check it out!

Here's the opening for the anime in case any of you want to see a "preview" of the anime:
