Review of a few metroid titles

Ok the first up for review is the latest instament metroid prime 3 corruption. Many of the online reviews were spectacullar and nintendo power. (abreviated np) gave it a 10 outta 10. pretty darn good score. But i am a little harsher. This game was a great game all together. it had the story to keep you occupied and still stuck with the whole plot of the prime series. It had amazing graphics that truely showed what the wii could do. And the voice acting was excellante for being the very first metroid game to really have spoken word. The timing for the voices and the move ment of the mouth was also nearly flawless. The graphics as mentioned earlier were stunning. huge enviorments filled with puzzles are everywhere and they all look spectacular. The detail on every thing is amazing. even the round objects actually look round, nearly seamless joinst can create fer quite emersive game play. With all of these aspects the game sounds perfect yet there are a few problems one is the introduction of three new hunters. had we seen them earlier in the series at some point it would have been perfect but the sudden addition of three new characters was a little unexpected but still not a large flaw. The main problem was for me the simplicaty of the games normal difficulty setting. trying to do a speed run i still got a 100% colletion rating first time around. though hyper mode greatly increased the challenge of the overall game it was still easy to get the items. The addition of multiple planets to explore was a great additioon. with huge enviorments on each planet it was easy to get lost once you had opened many doors. This game though not perfect was still amazing and though it deserved to be ranked high. it was not perfect. i have givin it a 9.75 outta ten. pretty good to me.
