Hi This will most likely be of anything I guess ^^

Things About me:
-D.Gray-Man Fan
-Attack on Titan fan (my top favorite Anime are those two)
-I draw but have trouble with hands (they suck)
-have 4 dogs
-favorite color is blue

I hope to make friends here ^^ and i guess that's it for now


(after like half a year)

Well anyways how's life?
I'm a freshman in high school at the moment
anyways there's this cute guy whom I've noticed.
He's tall and cute lol i feel like I stalked him once.
So i was going to my 8th period and I go towards the music hall and he was going the way I was going.I didn't know it was him at first and thought it was this other guy who is in my 8th period and thought he was waiting for his brother who is also in the same class. But as I got closer I realized it wasn't him.....
So I keep walking and he's walking in front of me, I panic and take the stairs which ended up with me in front. And that is how it went from accidentally following him to being safe in the band hall.

So yeah I'll be here more often now that marching season is over :)
BTW its cold so its the perfect time to be drinking hot chocolate

