B: too bad so sad. G:YES! gold is no. just no. snazzy silver ftw. and it protects you from evil spirits and werewolves. :B M: nice name! especially with the romantic language(in my case spanish) pronunciation. Q: LOL quote form a movie and you quote j-porn? priceless saku, just priceless. Sora Aoi? Where?! *w* U: Nice. Still hawt. V: DX Thats good tho. You must be healthy. My blood smells like metal yo. I needs more iron from veggies. DX Y:Those moments are deep. Nice. Z:Ditto.
It's funny how you've done a million of these things, yet I learn something new about you every time.
I know about that post but I was wondering WHY does everyone change it, I don't recognize them anymore XD
The Alphabet Cards will be resumed once the image problem is solved. The latest images don't show no matter on what host I upload them, it's unfair for the people with the latest letters... There are 3 or 4 cards left, not much, but this bug struck at a very bad time.... and I don't think it's top priority to fix so, I'll just wait.
She wanted to change her username, and she asked me on AP if she could on theO now! Lol so I told her that yeah, she can. XD There was a post by Adam or someone that we can change usernames more easily now..
Scarecrow (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/29/10 | Reply
B: too bad so sad. G:YES! gold is no. just no. snazzy silver ftw. and it protects you from evil spirits and werewolves. :B M: nice name! especially with the romantic language(in my case spanish) pronunciation. Q: LOL quote form a movie and you quote j-porn? priceless saku, just priceless. Sora Aoi? Where?! *w* U: Nice. Still hawt. V: DX Thats good tho. You must be healthy. My blood smells like metal yo. I needs more iron from veggies. DX Y:Those moments are deep. Nice. Z:Ditto.
It's funny how you've done a million of these things, yet I learn something new about you every time.
~*FABULOUS MAX*~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/29/10 | Reply
Lol, wat xd
Is not hate, is just that I got tired of that name. ;u;
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/29/10 | Reply
Leftyyy~~~ *hi5s*
And oh, chore-lover & hates no veggies. Ohhh~~~
Unicorn Lover (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/29/10 | Reply
I love your banner too *__*
And I shall steal that tag this evening (instead of working XD) ^w^
Moderator | Posted 11/29/10 | Reply
But why do you hate Naomi-chan so badly D:
I thought it was awesome... ;u;
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/28/10 | Reply
yeah XD, maybe perhaps of the language or something :3
~*FABULOUS MAX*~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/28/10 | Reply
Lol, it was a matter of time mate.
Fran wasn't available so I decided to add the M of my first name. Finally got rid of that name!
Grand Otaku | Posted 11/28/10 | Reply
One of my best friends on TinierMe loves Bloody Monday. xDD
Orange and turquoise. o uo Coooool colors~
Moderator | Posted 11/28/10 | Reply
I had no idea our countries share the name pattern *w*
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/28/10 | Reply
i know XD!!
originally i came from the Philippines X3
Moderator | Posted 11/28/10 | Reply
@Angel Zakuro:
I know about that post but I was wondering WHY does everyone change it, I don't recognize them anymore XD
The Alphabet Cards will be resumed once the image problem is solved. The latest images don't show no matter on what host I upload them, it's unfair for the people with the latest letters... There are 3 or 4 cards left, not much, but this bug struck at a very bad time.... and I don't think it's top priority to fix so, I'll just wait.
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 11/28/10 | Reply
She wanted to change her username, and she asked me on AP if she could on theO now! Lol so I told her that yeah, she can. XD There was a post by Adam or someone that we can change usernames more easily now..
Angel Zakuro
bird nerd. (Otaku Angel) | Posted 11/28/10 | Reply
Wow lol! You don't hate any chores and you don't dislike any veggies? XD You're amazing!
I filled this out on facebook. :]
Hey, I was wondering...the Alphabet card meme we had going on, where'd that stop lol?? It didn't finish, right?
Take care~
Moderator | Posted 11/28/10 | Reply
MFran, whaaaat? XD
Why is everyone changing their usernames these days? D:
~*FABULOUS MAX*~ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/28/10 | Reply
Ohhh, left handed
Moderator | Posted 11/28/10 | Reply
Wow, this is so awesome! What country are you from? >w<
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/28/10 | Reply
O.O whoah! my mom's name is also MARINA!! XD