The names { Redacted }
This world is just here for fun, don't take anything too seriously.

practice practice..

currently working on my entry for jingles 9th year ^w^....
sadly though it is coming along very slowly.. mostly cuz im procastinating too much about who i wanna draw.... and because i don't know whether i can access a scanner in time for the deadline... i would do it digitally, but doing things with a touch pad on my crappy very broken little laptop is very complicated and the quality isn't always guaranteed sooooo.... despite this im having fun doing rough sketches and stuff. Which has reminded me of another problem, "male anatomy", I suck at it >.< but this is good practice for me. Sorry if i'm whining too much ( ._.)
On the other hand of this depressing little circle of art block ;-; the sky looks really nice right now it's late afternoon where i am and the clouds have that really nice orange/pinky tinge to them, and i think the duckies are wondering around the street again, i can hear them from here 0.0
anyway, please enjoy your afternoons or whatever time it is near you
