The names { Redacted }
This world is just here for fun, don't take anything too seriously.

I is a big kid now

Yo, Wussup? Finally i have some time to play on my computer, so i thought i might post an update type thing about whats going on right now.

As all of you know, tomorrow is valentines day... and well... i ain't feeling the love at all lately. I mean, i'm not complaining or anything lol jk i am complaining //bricked but .....uuughgghhhhh my friends all got a special somebody and tomorrow they're gonna ASK THEM OUT.. LIKE HOW MUCH MORE ROMANTIC CAN YA GET?? also my school does this thing where they order roses and people can have them DELIVERED DIRECTLY TO YA, LIKE THATS PRETTY FREAKING CUTE MAN. le sigh, i wanna get pretty roses too.... asdsfaghdgd but i get way to doki doki around the person i like and i'm pretty sure they hate me but thats cool... I guess you could say i'm one of those hopeless romantics.. who is also forever alone.. HA but thats my fault cuz i'm way to shy when it comes to talking to people i like...hhhmmmmmmm

oh, i have also been drawing heaps but i'm gonna limit my posts to one a day so as not to spam the heck outa everybody.. mmmyea dats all for now, I hope you gaiz all have a wonderful valentine day ^3^ Bye!
