Hey people, its mewmewlover55, well now MewMew, from myotaku.com :)

A little bit about myself :D

Name: Rachel

  • Birthday: 1/1/92
  • Age: 22
  • Likes: drawing, anime, boys ^_~, photoshop, copic markers, playing the flute and piano, spanish, biology, snow, ice cream
  • Dislikes: ART THEIVES (u ppl suck lol), obnoxious people, my chemistry class, my little brother, pizza, bad grades, dead copic markers lol

I hope that you guys check out my gallery, i try to draw and update as much as i can
For most of my art i use copic sketch markers, or prisma colored pencils, sometimes i use photoshop but i suck at it lmao.
If u guys like my art i hope you subscribe me, i love making new friends :)


If you wana talk to me pm me or sumthin

Other accounts of mine:
sheezyart Heavenstar (innactive ^^')
deviantart Shunshuu-tsunami

nehh i'm sry T^T

Hey guys,

so um.. i'm sorry for not updating that much or visiting sites.. i've had so much work cuz the quarter ended today in school.

one more week till passover break i'm so excited :3 then i can draw lots :D

i have a bunch of things i wanan submit but they're not done yet.. i've been too lazy to finish them, maybe i'll finish them tonight i duno lol


today i have my math SAT tutor.. thats gonna be fun T^T lol


so yea i hope to talk to u guys :3

