Zack Effron would be a better choice rather than Tatsuya Fujiwara, but i don't think he could be the perfect choice to play light b/c in the end light showed his true colors when he was caught by his father and in a way he lost his marbles and i don't think Zack could do that.
lovely kyubii16
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/21/09 | Reply
Zack Effron would be a better choice rather than Tatsuya Fujiwara, but i don't think he could be the perfect choice to play light b/c in the end light showed his true colors when he was caught by his father and in a way he lost his marbles
and i don't think Zack could do that.
Grand Otaku | Posted 07/20/09 | Reply
For light, they should use Zack Effron. He looks like an Americanized light! ^_^