On the Jazz! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/26/11 | Reply
I suffer from anxiety as well, and trust me, I know what it's like to be able to face people some days and not on others. On days when my anxiety is peaking I can't stand to be around people. They make me self-conscious and generally irritate me.
Though after suffering panic attacks, as strange as it sounds, I'll take the anxiety days over going through one of those any day. Urgh cause those panic attacks really are life stopping events. And they make you so nervous for another attack.
Dark Phoenix
On the Jazz! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/26/11 | Reply
I suffer from anxiety as well, and trust me, I know what it's like to be able to face people some days and not on others. On days when my anxiety is peaking I can't stand to be around people. They make me self-conscious and generally irritate me.
Though after suffering panic attacks, as strange as it sounds, I'll take the anxiety days over going through one of those any day. Urgh cause those panic attacks really are life stopping events. And they make you so nervous for another attack.