The zzzzz's

Zzz.... I got to speak German with two sets of couples at work yesterday =) Major fun!

Zzz.... Today I managed to cut myself underneath the fingernail O_O It didn't bleed much/any, though.

Zzz.... Work has given me plenty of paid hours this week. A couple too many, in fact, since part-time (20 hours... possibly?...) is the most I'm permitted to do. Reason for it being my 50% sick-leave payment. Hopefully it won't cause me problems ^^;

Zzz.... * Sometimes I'm noted a day or two in advance or, like this morning, they call very close to when they need me to come in. Due to this quasi-unstable schedule I'm not using the rest of the day's hours to the best effect, leaving me very exhausted. I reeeeeaaaaaaaaalllllyyyyyy want to comment more (Dagger and Des's latest posts, just to mention two, because they brought up two animes I have thoughts on and would like to throw out there) but I'm guessing you guys can forgive me for the very sporadic/non-existant appearances from me? :3

Zzz.... *snuggles you all sleepily*

Tick-tock, a timely warp

Kweh! I worked 7 hours today, 3 of which I'll actually get paid for :o

Kweh! Tomorrow they gave me a cashier-shift from 11am to 6.30pm ^^; Which I'll also get paid for :O~

Kweh! Does anyone want me to attempt to post about something in particular?

Kweh! You all get snuggles! Mwuahahahahaha! :D

One elephant balanced on a spider web

Ka-ching I got two extra hours today and two tomorrow xD

Ka-ching I got to speak English with a woman! Then we ended up in the same line as I bought some milk before heading home. It was then my eyes caught sight of a badge she wore. She was Mormon. From Utah. I just thought that was cool, somehow, lol.

Ka-ching I now own a copy of "Tremors"!!!!!!! Took me long enough to get 'round to it >.>; Also purchased "The Horse Whisperer" because it's a pretty movie and my memory recalls it being a nice watch =)

Ka-ching I can tell that my confidence is rising by the fact that I start all these points with "I" *dies laughing*

Ka-ching Found some old writing (well, a couple of years old anyway) and I really ought to read it properly because at a glance it looked better than I remembered o.O Hopefully I won't get horribly disappointed xD!

Ka-ching You guys are all awesome and I will do what I can do be active while trying not to feel too guilty about slacking off :3

Money, thy name is work

I need to read Molls entry that shows off her writing skillz.

I need to comment on posts that people have been posting lately.

I need to check out more writing prompts because they seem awesome.

I need to comment on comments people have left me.

But work offered me money for working extra today, which meant a delay in lunch/dinner and I had a meeting with Project Leader that included a long walk, so now I'm beat ^^;;;;

Gomen nasai! Srsly ;________;

I neglect you, Title >.>; (Alt: Click image for normal size)

TC: But they do! D: And that's what gets people killed. I get so mad every time I read about people who die or suffer greatly due to being sent home without a proper check-up ;_;

Azure: *giggles* I wouldn't mind helping you get some practice, badum-psh :P The dizziness is better now, probably thanks to taking it sloooooow and drinking more fluids (and trying not to think about my situation -.-).

Hehe, yeah, I got lucky with my parents ^^; And siblings *feels spoilt* >.>

Schultzereen: Feeling better: Check! It better stay that way for a while, too, or I'll .... protest profusely! :D;

Shaow: >.> They only doctor I want to go near is my regular one and Azure xD *snuggles the pretty*

Daggeroo: *grins* My name is Flair. Mimmi Flair xP

Morph: _^_ Considering the stress I'm put through by the system I really should look into getting a pet, huh? ^^;

Shimmy-Loo: :D!! I need to be on AIM the same time as you some day so we can play Literati :3

Molls: True that *nods sagely* At least so long as they don't try to play Doctor for the Doctor and brush you off while you're begging for help ««;
