- Created By Mimmi
The zzzzz's
Zzz.... I got to speak German with two sets of couples at work yesterday =) Major fun!
Zzz.... Today I managed to cut myself underneath the fingernail O_O It didn't bleed much/any, though.
Zzz.... Work has given me plenty of paid hours this week. A couple too many, in fact, since part-time (20 hours... possibly?...) is the most I'm permitted to do. Reason for it being my 50% sick-leave payment. Hopefully it won't cause me problems ^^;
Zzz.... * Sometimes I'm noted a day or two in advance or, like this morning, they call very close to when they need me to come in. Due to this quasi-unstable schedule I'm not using the rest of the day's hours to the best effect, leaving me very exhausted. I reeeeeaaaaaaaaalllllyyyyyy want to comment more (Dagger and Des's latest posts, just to mention two, because they brought up two animes I have thoughts on and would like to throw out there) but I'm guessing you guys can forgive me for the very sporadic/non-existant appearances from me? :3
Zzz.... *snuggles you all sleepily*
Give me my money back
Give me my money back, Give me my money back, Give me my money back you [beeep] - part of a Ben Folds Five song my sister Angela played me a looooong time ago.
So...... apparently I'm supposed to work and not get any money for doing so. Starting this week. One of the two ladies from the Project that work with me got the baffling news today and alerted me about it. She said I don't have to work until this is figured out (I'm meeting with the other lady next Wednesday) but asked what I wanted to do.
My great powers of DENIAL immediately kicked in, I adopted a cheerful attitude about it all and stated that I'd do the days regardless. "Everything's hunkydory, everything'll work out, I'm not the least bit affected by the mess that's surely about to ensue, lalalalala, rainbows and unicorns!"
But let's face it, it bothers me how this came out of the blue. More than I have the energy to explain right now.
It's ironic that, aside from the Project women who fight for me (they are my warriors) and do pretty much all the work, the people who were supposed to help me with my foundation are so utterly useless and incompetent in doing their part that it's threatening to tip my delicate balance. AGAIN. Do they want to render my efforts pointless and keep me in this cycle of one step forward two blows backwards?
I know it might seem too early to feel defeated but I've had it.
*goes to sleep and tries to Phoenix Down a heavily battered fighting spirit*