Come on now, you got me a splendorific Totoro and a million other things! Plus it kinda jumped on me with a determined zest and proceeded to stare at me until I caved :3
And for the record, friendship is indeed, a wonderful thing.
Yeah, got your package today (technically yesterday, but I missed the pick-up)
But 25 quid?! Goodness, we're gonna have you get you back for that one, Miss Mimmi! All thanks aside, the best I can now do is to just get you like . . . a pony or something!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/10/08 | Reply
*hugs back*
Ya know I know noticed that I've been spamming you everywhere...
I'm not a stalker, though! Just a bit crazy XD
The crazy bubbly shadow
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/09/08 | Reply
Shilly, indeed xD; *hugs*
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/09/08 | Reply
Ah that happened to me too....we are so shilly XD
The crazy bubbly shadow
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/07/08 | Reply
Uuuuuh, that sum is .. errr, a trick sum?
Come on now, you got me a splendorific Totoro and a million other things! Plus it kinda jumped on me with a determined zest and proceeded to stare at me until I caved :3
Canadian Liaison (Team) | Posted 03/07/08 | Reply
And for the record, friendship is indeed, a wonderful thing.
Yeah, got your package today (technically yesterday, but I missed the pick-up)
But 25 quid?! Goodness, we're gonna have you get you back for that one, Miss Mimmi! All thanks aside, the best I can now do is to just get you like . . . a pony or something!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/07/08 | Reply
But isn't it just so me, though? xD
Madman With a Box (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/07/08 | Reply
All that work only to realize you can't put it up o_O
*hugs Mims*