Madman With a Box (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/11/08 | Reply
Woot! It's good to know you're already a Haibane fan ^^ Yeah, I bought it only based on reviews and AMVs (as I've done for the majority of my anime). It's such a wonderful, beautiful series, it will always be in my #1 spot.
Mm, I know what you mean by blankness. I get that feeling quite often too, only I don't even have a job. I get more concerned that my body has finally beaten my brain into submission and I may never get out and actually live life.
Heh, there was a time I played Mahjong a lot, too. Now I want to again XD
*pampers mimmi a thousands times more*
Just so you know (if it'll make you feel better) I felt the same this past two weeks. Maybe it was something that was in the European air?
Hmmm...who knows XP I hope that nasty feeling goes away completely.
Hmmm....I was planning to mail you Elf A tale of memories but since you have spoiled by reading the summaries, can I mail you "Onegai Teacher" instead? ;P
Abundant Love (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/11/08 | Reply
@Dagger IX1:
That comment conjured up some amusing images of high speed gondola chases....
Dagger IX1
Team | Posted 05/11/08 | Reply
Fufufu. There are times when I get the sense that you and I are the Aria mafia or something. XD
Madman With a Box (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/11/08 | Reply
Woot! It's good to know you're already a Haibane fan ^^ Yeah, I bought it only based on reviews and AMVs (as I've done for the majority of my anime). It's such a wonderful, beautiful series, it will always be in my #1 spot.
Mm, I know what you mean by blankness. I get that feeling quite often too, only I don't even have a job. I get more concerned that my body has finally beaten my brain into submission and I may never get out and actually live life.
Heh, there was a time I played Mahjong a lot, too. Now I want to again XD
Abundant Love (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/11/08 | Reply
Agreed with Dagger. Watch Aria, it makes everything better. ^_^
Firestarter (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/10/08 | Reply
*tickles Mimmi into finishing her to do list*
Dark Phoenix
On the Jazz! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/10/08 | Reply
And I love you in my own special way. *pounces* I here you with the lack of motivation thing. I really need to kick myself in the rear.
Heh, and now, don't worry I probably will stay away. =P
Spiritus Memorae (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/10/08 | Reply
Morphall: Or I could just pounce on you, for instance, and coo over/pet you :D
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/10/08 | Reply
*pampers mimmi a thousands times more*
Just so you know (if it'll make you feel better) I felt the same this past two weeks. Maybe it was something that was in the European air?
Hmmm...who knows XP I hope that nasty feeling goes away completely.
Hmmm....I was planning to mail you Elf A tale of memories but since you have spoiled by reading the summaries, can I mail you "Onegai Teacher" instead? ;P
The crazy bubbly shadow