Hahaha! Oh man....that game is evil, I tell ya! It seems so plain and simple and your first thought "meh" but then you start getting awards after awards and suddenly you realize you spent like hours on end on it, making new types of food, making your place prettier, playing around with other features and making your friends your employers!
Dammit! It's so freackin' addictive! So yesh, come to the dark cafe side, you! We have food! XD
On the Jazz! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/15/10 | Reply
I loved Avatar! I haven't seen such a good movie in ages, it was refreshing, to say the least. Simple without being simplistic, heartfelt, and of course, beautiful. It definitely has Shanny's seal of approval!
Mmm, I always think of a nice pale blue for winter, maybe with some white highlights. But I is a decoration whore, don't listen to me.
I don't believe I've heard of Farmville, but I am not up in the know on the tons of Facebook games, but if you enjoy it, keep rocking on baby.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/16/10 | Reply
*tempts more*
I'm more evil than the game itself and I like it, mwahahaha!
The crazy bubbly shadow
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/16/10 | Reply
*is very tempted* >_____>
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/16/10 | Reply
@Dark Phoenix:
There are many good things to say about Avatar, indeed! For instance: It's very green :D
Haha, the way things are going, green might take over the spot of my #1 preferred color :o
Mmmmmmmmmm(oooo), Farmville! Come join me to the dark side ~_^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/16/10 | Reply
Hahaha! Oh man....that game is evil, I tell ya! It seems so plain and simple and your first thought "meh" but then you start getting awards after awards and suddenly you realize you spent like hours on end on it, making new types of food, making your place prettier, playing around with other features and making your friends your employers!
Dammit! It's so freackin' addictive! So yesh, come to the dark cafe side, you! We have food! XD
The crazy bubbly shadow
Dark Phoenix
On the Jazz! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/15/10 | Reply
I loved Avatar! I haven't seen such a good movie in ages, it was refreshing, to say the least. Simple without being simplistic, heartfelt, and of course, beautiful. It definitely has Shanny's seal of approval!
Mmm, I always think of a nice pale blue for winter, maybe with some white highlights. But I is a decoration whore, don't listen to me.
I don't believe I've heard of Farmville, but I am not up in the know on the tons of Facebook games, but if you enjoy it, keep rocking on baby.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/14/10 | Reply
@Dagger IX1:
Bite the hook and be merry with me! :D ... >.>
And feel free to throw a cucumber at me if I don't write about my thoughts on Avatar within 1 month ^^;
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/14/10 | Reply
I see you're tempting me with Café World in return, young lady ~_^
Dagger IX1
Team | Posted 01/13/10 | Reply
Looking forward to your thoughts on Avatar! I've managed to avoid Farmville so far, but it's gotten a lot of my friends hooked...
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/12/10 | Reply
I shall work on that then! I probably show you the lineart first before colouring to see if you like it ;D
FarmVille, I'm avoiding it! Or else I'll get stuck to it and do nothing rather than playing it while I'm at the laptop. XD
I wish you good luck with everything you have to fill in and out! *huggles*
The crazy bubbly shadow