Sister update

Everyone went to visit Angela yesterday and it was good to see her. You could tell she was trying hard to keep her facade up still (as she's always done) but at least she didn't exhaust herself by being cheerful for us. I couldn't help but check her arms for damage, since it wasn't clear how "peaceful" her admittance had gone. No cuts. Apparently she'd been to the doctors for a check-up when it surfaced how poorly her health (spiritually/psychologically) was and we were all amazed at how quickly they gave her help. The care provided for people who seek a way out of their troubles can oftentimes scar them more or not help at all, so you never can tell.

One of the people working where she's admitted talked to us for a bit and, while he did a good job of setting the tone of how serious this was (as if we didn't know) straight away, he came off a bit ... aggressive, somehow. And it bothers me how he didn't look at mom once. Especially because of the history between her and Angela. Mom's always been pushed beyond an arm's length by Angela (not that anyone else in the family could connect with her any better) and have had much hurt thrown at her. The rest of us usually gets away with a laceration from her bitter tongue but with mom it goes deeper.

In the end our visit "calmed" me a bit. I know this is her fight and that I'll only be able to stand at the sidelines with banners cheering her on or lend a shoulder if she needs one. It'll do.

Thanks everyone for supporting me as I support my family :3

Hold me and tell me it'll be ok

My older sister Angela just called and said she was in the hospital and that her "soul is broken" but she's hoping the doctors will help her get better.

Mom came in just as I, dazed from shock, finished up the conversation so she didn't get a chance to talk to Angela. The number was busy when we called back so we've been trying to get a hold of the youngest sister Juliette (who's living with Angela and her boyfriend) to see if we can get more information on what's going on. I also called the eldest sister Eleine to let her know, in case Angela hadn't called her.

I'm really scared for her. Hopefully she got help before she could do anything harmful to herself. I want to get on a train to go see her and hug her.
