Pet me, gimme a squeeze or a peck; anything'll do just fine

T-C: Your sedative powers are … powerful.

Well, I’m not so annoyed with the question itself just the non-existent option to not having an answer ready for it at any given moment >.>

Becky: The only time I feel inferior with not having a degree of some sorts is when people talk down to me and it’s not so much a feeling of inferiority, actually, it’s more of a ‘and what species are you then?’ feeling. Smart peeps like yourself (and James and *makes a long list of names*) makes me not hate academic people as a whole, though! *snuggles*

Schultzers: I are woman. Straight woman are I. I swoon for Podcast boys. Purr.

Shaow: You are wonderful and I totally agree with you. Mentality is an interesting and sometimes, sadly, scary thing. *huggles*


Today is the third day in a row I have a headache in the afternoon -> evening. Sunday it was due to staying up late Saturday evening, yesterday and today was due to work. Maybe I'm not getting enough fluids in me?

I'm not sure if my brain will throw unhelpful thoughts at me if I open it up for business but hopefully I'll be able to filter it out later in the week so you can get an update on me working and stuff. *leaves notes to jog her memory for the next post*

* Working pains
* Co-workers
* Job assignments
* 'Future' thoughts

Thanks again, everyone, for leaving love on my wallpaper :3
