Hello every1 my name is Lina and in this world, I will be posting random stuff.....And i mean random stuff.
im bored now..... well, yeah if anyone needs me, just pm me some of my friends say im like haruhi...*giggles*

I like this anime too.

Happy 4th of July every1! XD

heya happy 4th of july

Right now i am going to talk about for the whole day...i kno, butt i feel like sharin it wit every1. anyway, this afternoon, my aunt and uncle were takin me,my sis, and my mom out 4 lunch. then wen they were about to pick us up, they tell us we're goin to the beach. so, we had to go all the bak up stairs, in the house, and take another 15 min to get ready. my aunt and uncle had already bought the food so we could eat on the way or at the beach. my sis and i ate at the beach while my mom ate in the car. at the beach the sand wuz really hot and almost burned my feet while the water wuz freezing and it felt like i lost feelin in them if i stayed in the water too long. we went home right after. l8er around 8:30 pm we went to the store to get sum groceries. then we noticed tht the fireworks start at 9, so ended up goin to watch. i was able to watch them up close and stick my head from the roof of the car. After tht we went home and now im on the computer and i will soon hit the bricks XD

lol wat a misunderstanding XD

poor tomoya

Haha this stupid XD

one of my favoritez

one of my favorite anime wit one of my fav---funny songz


i think its funy to see naruto get beat up sumtimes...lolz


yea and i jus thought tht wuz dumb XD

Mii fwendz can b so unpredictedable -3-

Heya! It's mehh lina.i hav sumtin to tell yall

so her it is, 2day in skool i was in math class and i was drawing a picture 4 my frend miguel.we wer sittin at a table with my 2 other frendz keiara and shakyra. then he--he's very violent, jus like me so yea anyway, he wanted me to draw the grudge with her middle finger out. soooo, wat did i do? i asked. i sed "hey, can some1 stick their middle finger up at me?".
and every1 at the table did it. even i thought it was funy..lol i still think so. tell me wat u think. or wat would you do?
huh, huh cmon tell mii!