Hello every1 my name is Lina and in this world, I will be posting random stuff.....And i mean random stuff.
im bored now..... well, yeah if anyone needs me, just pm me some of my friends say im like haruhi...*giggles*

I like this anime too.

Mii fwendz can b so unpredictedable -3-

Heya! It's mehh lina.i hav sumtin to tell yall

so her it is, 2day in skool i was in math class and i was drawing a picture 4 my frend miguel.we wer sittin at a table with my 2 other frendz keiara and shakyra. then he--he's very violent, jus like me so yea anyway, he wanted me to draw the grudge with her middle finger out. soooo, wat did i do? i asked. i sed "hey, can some1 stick their middle finger up at me?".
and every1 at the table did it. even i thought it was funy..lol i still think so. tell me wat u think. or wat would you do?
huh, huh cmon tell mii!
