Raid Boss (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/21/08 | Reply
Granted, I'm not the biggest fan of the Bible (I know there was a big boat, and a whale ate a guy at one point, and there was a secret garden), but I found this incredibly amusing and especially enjoyed the "hawt" women and the GTFO stuff. I'm gonna hafta read more of your books of Moe. ^_-
"A big bottle of failsauce." LOL! That got me giggling to no end.XD But anyway, great story!!! You did a really nice job with it and congrats! It actually kept my attention from start to finish!!!
I'm not too fond of Bleach and the whole Moe thing. But I thought your story was amusing. I like the way you used the Parable of the Prodigal Son to come up with this neat story.
EDIT: By the way, GTFO was just frickin' hilarious.
Last edited by The Mask at 6:58:14 AM EDT on October 5, 2008.
Back when I thought anime was all kawaii stuff and creampuff-fluff, I started writing a series of fables about my version of the 'gods'. Picture an impossibly complex bureaucracy, the "Agency of Transversion" where millions of gods, angels and demons come to play themselves off against one another, using a sort of currency based on probability. The more probability-units any Agent is able to earn--or lie, cheat, steal or persuade other ones to part with--the more ability it gets to cause particular events to happen within its bailiwick.
Time rolled by and I managed to finally see some anime that 'pushed all my buttons' - i.e. "psychedelic, full of long-haired boys, not those Dragonball Z/Bleach/Naruto -type spike-head dudes, and had stories with more kowaii than kawaii". (My favourites so far: for "Most Twisty-Turvy Plotting" - Death Note. For "Bishounen That Look Like I Hallucinated Them": Loveless. For both "Knockdown Gorgeous Backgrounds" and "Sheer Daftness Factor": Patalliro. And for "Irony Wrapped in Layers of Itself" Award: Welcome To The NHK!)
I began knocking a manga idea around, based on that, about two females who are loners, one living in Tokyo, the other in San Francisco. Two different Transversion Agents each find one of these women when they go seeking freakish humans to persuade them to share their material bodies with them in exchange for some of the Agent's power--and interdimensional sex, with the invading Agent using an avatar for its appearance that can be made to fit the tastes of any targeted human. All seems well, until the Agents manage to cross paths in the Xenoverse, inevitably getting caught up in their own strange hypersexual games there. The two girls connect when theirs neglect their bailiwicks and as a result, get mixed up in a feud between enemy Agents...who ALSO loathe human beings.
Don't expect to see this soon. I have done comics before, but that was ages ago. This will take some serious time. Now...I'm not sure how this happened but when I read your Shinigami story, something that had been blocking my own story's path fell out, and I filled in some blanks in my chain of events. It wasn't anything in particular you wrote that did this, but I think I owe you thanks anyway!
Otakuite | Posted 04/19/09 | Reply
I love this! xD
Tis halarious :3
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/19/09 | Reply
Hehehe - I liked this bit: "In his sleep, four letters showed in his dream – GTFO."
red tigress
Raid Boss (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/21/08 | Reply
Granted, I'm not the biggest fan of the Bible (I know there was a big boat, and a whale ate a guy at one point, and there was a secret garden), but I found this incredibly amusing and especially enjoyed the "hawt" women and the GTFO stuff. I'm gonna hafta read more of your books of Moe. ^_-
Otaku Summoner (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/08/08 | Reply
Keeping your attention for that long can be seen as an accomplishment.
thanks! ^_^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/08/08 | Reply
"A big bottle of failsauce." LOL! That got me giggling to no end.XD But anyway, great story!!! You did a really nice job with it and congrats! It actually kept my attention from start to finish!!!
Markus wolfe
Grand Otaku | Posted 10/05/08 | Reply
Ah, yes. Biblic parodies are always amusing.
The Mask
Detective Mask (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/05/08 | Reply
I'm not too fond of Bleach and the whole Moe thing. But I thought your story was amusing. I like the way you used the Parable of the Prodigal Son to come up with this neat story.
EDIT: By the way, GTFO was just frickin' hilarious.
Last edited by The Mask at 6:58:14 AM EDT on October 5, 2008.
"Students, be ambitious!"
Otakuite | Posted 10/04/08 | Reply
Back when I thought anime was all kawaii stuff and creampuff-fluff, I started writing a series of fables about my version of the 'gods'. Picture an impossibly complex bureaucracy, the "Agency of Transversion" where millions of gods, angels and demons come to play themselves off against one another, using a sort of currency based on probability. The more probability-units any Agent is able to earn--or lie, cheat, steal or persuade other ones to part with--the more ability it gets to cause particular events to happen within its bailiwick.
Time rolled by and I managed to finally see some anime that 'pushed all my buttons' - i.e. "psychedelic, full of long-haired boys, not those Dragonball Z/Bleach/Naruto -type spike-head dudes, and had stories with more kowaii than kawaii". (My favourites so far: for "Most Twisty-Turvy Plotting" - Death Note. For "Bishounen That Look Like I Hallucinated Them": Loveless. For both "Knockdown Gorgeous Backgrounds" and "Sheer Daftness Factor": Patalliro. And for "Irony Wrapped in Layers of Itself" Award: Welcome To The NHK!)
I began knocking a manga idea around, based on that, about two females who are loners, one living in Tokyo, the other in San Francisco. Two different Transversion Agents each find one of these women when they go seeking freakish humans to persuade them to share their material bodies with them in exchange for some of the Agent's power--and interdimensional sex, with the invading Agent using an avatar for its appearance that can be made to fit the tastes of any targeted human. All seems well, until the Agents manage to cross paths in the Xenoverse, inevitably getting caught up in their own strange hypersexual games there. The two girls connect when theirs neglect their bailiwicks and as a result, get mixed up in a feud between enemy Agents...who ALSO loathe human beings.
Don't expect to see this soon. I have done comics before, but that was ages ago. This will take some serious time. Now...I'm not sure how this happened but when I read your Shinigami story, something that had been blocking my own story's path fell out, and I filled in some blanks in my chain of events. It wasn't anything in particular you wrote that did this, but I think I owe you thanks anyway!
Otaku Summoner (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/03/08 | Reply
then I better get to fixing that up. ^_^
Baron of Terribad (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/03/08 | Reply
Love the use of GTFO here, and I also quite enjoy that the dad is basically like, "Dude, son, don't leave -- there are gonna be hot chicks here!"
Love thy Evangelion.
Senile Hipster (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/03/08 | Reply
You forgot to fully capitalize GAR a couple of times.
Other than that, awesome. Completely amazing.