yes, almost all of my poems are dreary but they are well made if i do sayso my self. it would really please me if you commented and liked my peoms that i slaved away at. i always insist that my works are perfect. enjoy!

The Price - Poem

Please listen,
To my wonderful tale,
Of two places,
you can go.

They both are awesome,
Each in their own way,
But they are as different,
As night and day.

you ask the price?
well we'll get to that later,
first you must hear,
the story of these places.

One is nice,
Happy and peaceful,
There is no war,
And no killing.

You never get hungry,
And no one ever fights,
It is so calm,
And everyone is happy.

But the other is violent,
There is bad people,
But at least its fun,
With no limitations.

It has no rules,
And everyone gets,
What they want,
No matter what it is.

The first is called,
And the second is called,

And if you really want to,
You can go to them,
But you have to pay,
A price.

The price is so dear,
You might reconsider,
Because the price you must pay,
Is your life.
