29 Years Old

Hey, I'm Raphael and I love OCs! Yeah. Also I study linguistics. Idk what to put here.

Other Social Media:


Mood: My neck won't stop hurting when I turn it to the right! D:
Recently added: This title is to long. :U, Beside a River

My locker this year is in a relatively good place, in that it's close to all my classes. Unfortunately, there's a TON of traffic that comes through the hallway it's in, and my locker is right next to this guy who has a lot of guy friends who like to talk really crudely.
But it's not that bad. I can use that guy as a reference for when I'm coming up with dialogue for Jake, since he's very similar to how I want Jake to be. Or something like that. 8D I hate coming up with Jake's dialogue. Hm. I should design him and Clair eventually...

BUT ANYWAYS. Speaking of lockers. I usually manage to get really badly located lockers. xD; Except in 7th grade, when my locker was totally problem-free. But in 8th grade, my locker was on the other side of the school in relation to my classes, and it was right next to these kids who liked to make out every day when school let out.
8th graders. Who made out.
Then in 9th grade, my locker wasn't bad. I think there was a lot of traffic where my locker was, but besides that it was fine. Oh, but it was puny because the school gives small lockers to freshman and big lockers to seniors.
In 10th grade, there were a bunch of people who always liked crowding around the area where my locker was. Mm. Fun.
And then there's my locker this year.

Hm. So that's pretty much it, as far as life is going. School's pretty normal thus far. I totally messed up on this timed writing we did in English. :/
I'm also inking this pic from months ago, but there's a background and I keep messing up. ;A; OH WELL.

Okay. :D; Yeah. Have a nice weekend!

School and OC quiz (another one. xD;;)

Mood: Decent

I had no school today because of flooding. I live on this hill thing, so my house didn't get flooded.
Speaking of school, my first week was pretty good. :) I'm looking forward to art class, and suprisingly, history class looks fun, too. Although, since my school uses block scheduling, I have all my electives on one day and most of my core classes on the other day. Which is weird. xD;

Um... To make this post longer, here's a quiz-meme thing Takara made for me a while ago! yeah. xD;

Pick 5 OCs
1. Alcott
2. Luli
3. Ms. Marigold
4. Tim
5. Stefan


1. Hello! Introduce yourselves! Name, age and gender, please.

Alcott: My name is Alcott Stophcres, the son of a rich entrepreneur. I’m 17 years old, and a boy of highly noble birth.
Luli: I am Luli, I am a girl, and I like to say that I am 17.
Ms. Marigold: You may call me Ms. Marigold. I am a woman, but I am afraid I cannot give you my age. (She’s around 20-25)
Tim: Hey, I’m Tim Ackart. I’m 17 and a boy.
Stefan: I’m Stefan, Tomato’s Manager. I’m a guy, and… I’m not old yet. ¬_¬ (He’s 30.)

2. What’s your favorite holiday?

Alcott: My birthday, of course. It’s a day to celebrate me!
Luli: Why, in my opinion, every day is a holiday. :>
Ms. Marigold: It is foolish to favor any day above the rest.
Tim: *Shrugs* I don’t really have a favorite since I don’t do anything different on holidays.
Stefan: New years. (Because he has an excuse to drink.)

3. Do you have a favorite TV show?

Alcott: “TV”? What? (He’s from the 1800s.)
Luli: Oh, dear. I cannot say I know the answer to this question…
Ms. Marigold: …
Tim: I like Soul Eater, D.Gray-Man, Oofuri… (They’re animes... that I don't watch! 8D hahaha.)
Stefan: ………What Not to Wear.

4. How is your love life?

Alcott: Hmph… The idea never really interested me. (He’s… almost too childish to fall in love. xD;)
Luli: It goes as it pleases. :> (???)
Ms. Marigold: I am incapable of experiencing the emotion. (asexual)
Tim: Yeaaahhh…. It’s not going well for me. :/
Stefan: ………… *falls into a deep pit of emotional depression* (it’s bad. xD)

5. What do you think of your past?

Alcott: My life was so boring… my parents never allowed me to do anything. >:T They kept me locked up in the manor all the time.
Luli: Oh yes… I do not really have one of those. :D (Luli just kind of exists, idk where she really came from. xD)
Ms. Marigold: It is something I locked away from my memory. Please do not remind me of it.
Tim: It kinda sucked. :/
Stefan: Sigh… :I I’d rather not talk about it.

6. What do you think of your future?

Alcott: I’m… hm… I’ve never thought about it before. I suppose I’ll settle for inheriting my father’s job.
Luli: The future is a mystery to me, but that is the joy of it.
Ms. Marigold: In my future, I will be the same as I am now. That is how it will be forever.
Tim: *shrugs* Hopefully things’ll get better. I guess my life’s starting to look up, compared to what it used to be.
Stefan: I’m slowly progressing up in my job… one day I’ll be the center of attention instead of Tomato. >:T

7. What is/was your favorite subject in school?

Alcott: I don’t go to school, I have private tutors to teach me. *snobby snob snob* I suppose my favorite subject to learn is piano… but I can’t say I really enjoy it. Actually, it bores me a bit.
Luli: I am afraid I cannot answer this question, either. :> (she didn’t go to school)
Ms. Marigold: I… use to enjoy poetry.
Tim: Uh… It’s all kinda boring. I like Japanese class, though. That’s the only interesting class I’m taking.
Stefan: Photography.

8. Favorite memory?

Alcott: Eh. (idk. He can’t recall any favorite memories b/c he thinks everything is boring?)
Luli: I quite enjoyed the day I created Dreams. :>
Ms. Marigold: My memories do not concern you.
Tim: That day in 8th grade when I met Dare and Rick.
Stefan: ... *falls into another deep pit of emotional depression*

9. Most embarrassing moment?

Alcott: I never embarrass myself. Hmph. (this is not true. xD)
Luli: When Alcott told me it was a mistake to bring him to Dreams, well… that was a bit embarrassing. Why, I hardly ever make mistakes like that! :o
Ms. Marigold: *silent* (she thinks it’s a stupid question.)
Tim: What the heck? I have to tell you? :I
Stefan: Probably something when I was drunk, but I can’t say I really know. :T

10. Where do you live?

Alcott: I used to live in England, until Luli abducted me. >:I
Luli: I live in a mansion in Dreams! :)
Ms. Marigold: I live in Dreams.
Tim: Near Boston, Massachusetts.
Stefan: Paris, France. THE GRATEST PLACE EVER. *¬* …Ahem.

11. What’s your favorite article of clothing?

Alcott: The top hat, of course! It completes any outfit.
Luli: Umbrellas. :> (Not even an article of clothing...)
Ms. Marigold: It is not necessary to have a favorite article of clothing. It neither benefits nor interests me.
Tim: *Shrugs* Shirts?
Stefan: Suits.

12. What fascinates you most?

Alcott: I find it fascinating when Luli uses magic. It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen.
Luli: The whole world is full of fascinating things, but I have quite an interest in the moon.
Ms. Marigold: The absolute stupidity of that boy over there. (She means Alcott.)
Tim: People who never lie are pretty fascinating.
Stefan: The world of FASHION.

13. Can you stand the sight of blood?

Alcott: *shudders* Not at all. Gruesome things don’t interest me.
Luli: It saddens me, but I suppose you could say I can handle it.
Ms. Marigold: Too many memories are associated with such things.
Tim: In movies and video games, sure. Depends on the situation in real life.
Stefan: Ugh. No. Just thinking of it makes me queasy. ;-;

14. If you had to pick one, what animal would you like to be?

Alcott: A human! Why would I want to be a filthy animal?! D:<
Luli: I think it would be quite nice to be a warm cup of tea. :D (…that’s not an animal.)
Ms. Marigold: A stealthy being such as a cat would do nicely.
Tim: A bird.
Stefan: Hm… well, I like dogs. :/ But I also like cats. I’d kind of like to be a tiger for their handsome fur.

15. How often do you cry?

Alcott: I never cry! I’m not a baby! D:< (he does cry when he’s sad, though. I guess?)
Luli: Hardly ever. Life is too wonderful to be spent crying. :>
Ms. Marigold: Never.
Tim: That’s kind of personal... :/
Stefan: ... *the deep pit of emotional depression continues* (He sometimes cries when he has a lot on his mind.)

16. How often do you laugh?

Alcott: Hm, yes, well… *cough* Not that often, I’d say… *fidget fidget* (He spends most of his time complaining.)
Luli: I fill my life with a daily dose of laughter.
Ms. Marigold: Never. (She may chuckle from time to time, but this happens more often toward the end of the story.)
Tim: Enough, I guess. Usually when I’m with Rick and Dare.
Stefan: I don’t know. Why would I be keeping track? >:I

17. What item(s) can you not live without?

Alcott: I don’t know. I can’t say I ever thought about it. (He has everything in his life, so he takes everything for granted.)
Luli: People~
Ms. Marigold: Air, water, and food.
Tim: MY XBOX. ...I mean air, water, food.... >3>
Stefan: *Shrugs* Clothes?

18. How do your friends describe you?

Alcott: ... (he doesn’t really have any friends. Yet...)
Luli: The residents say I am a bit strange, but they enjoy my company anyhow. Ms. Marigold tells me I am compassionate.
Ms. Marigold: I have no friends to describe me.
Tim: They think I’m “cool” and whatever.
Stefan: Siiiighhh... I have no friends... (he doesn’t realize that the OFAV cast members are his friends. :d)

19. How do you describe yourself?

Alcott: Well, I’m smart, talented, and rich. I suppose you could say I’m the perfect boy.
Luli: Hm... well, I am rather Luli-ish. :> And quite petite. Oh dear...
Ms. Marigold: Emotionless.
Tim: Pathetic.
Stefan: Undesirable. :/

20. Is there something you wish you could do?

Alcott: I am a bit jealous of Luli’s magic...
Luli: Oh yes. I would like all the residents in Dreams to be satisfied. :)
Ms. Marigold: I will not share such information with you.
Tim: Yeah, I’d like to... uh... something…. >_> (*cough*get rick to like him*cough*)
Stefan: I wish I was a model... and I wish I had a lover... ;A;

21. What is your best talent?

Alcott: I’m good at everything. *snobbysnobby* Especially music.
Luli: Hm... I think I am quite good at floating. (???)
Ms. Marigold: Consulting.
Tim: Uh... Rick likes my drawings. So maybe I’m good at drawing. But I don’t really think so. :/ (He likes to doodle.)
Stefan: Weeeeeell, I’m good at photography and organization. I also took tennis classes when I was younger. -u- (Hohohoho.)

22. Pick a number and tell me why you picked it.

Alcott: 42. Because you told me to pick a number. >:I
Luli: 3.14... because pie goes great with tea. :>
Ms. Marigold: 0. It is a neutral number.
Tim: 2... because 2 makes a couple. (BAHA.)
Stefan: 24. That’s how old I wish I was.

23. For every letter in your first name, pick a word starting with each letter which appeals to you.

Alcott: Apricots. Luli. Clarinets. Original. Tulips. Tall houses.
Luli: Love. Unknown. Likelihood. Intriguing.
Ms. Marigold: Words do not interest me.
Tim: Full name...? Can I just do “Tim”? Timothy’s too long. So uh... here: Tranquility, independence, maturity.
Stefan: Steak. Things. Energy drinks. Fashion. Acquaintances. Night.

24. Sweet or sour?

Alcott: *cough* ...sweet foods, I suppose…
Luli: Sweet foods, of course! There is nothing more satisfying than a lovely cup of sweetened tea with cakes~
Ms. Marigold: Sweet...
Tim: Depends on the food, haha.
Stefan: I like sour candies more than sweet candies.

25. Spicy or mild?

Alcott: Spicy. What good is food if it has no flavor? :I
Luli: Oh... I prefer my foods a bit milder. :>
Ms. Marigold: It does not matter.
Tim: Spicy. :d
Stefan: Mild. :/ I can’t really handle spicy stuff.

26. Day or night?

Alcott: Daytime. There’s never anything to do at night, besides sleeping. :I
Luli: Both are equally nice~
Ms. Marigold: Night.
Tim: Day, so I can spend time with people I like.
Stefan: Night, when the bars are open. And I don’t have Tomato to annoy me.

27. Dreams or reality?

Alcott: I’m um... a bit of a dreamer, actually...
Luli: Dreams, of course! It is my town, after all~ (that’s not what the question meant...)
Ms. Marigold: ...
Tim: Dreams, I guess.
Stefan: *shrugs* Sometimes I like reality, but sometimes I prefer dreams.

28. What do you think of your present life?

Alcott: Well, it was boring until I came to Dreams.
Luli: Fantastic, as always.
Ms. Marigold: Adequate.
Tim: Kinda eh...
Stefan: Same as Marigold. It could be better. :/

29. What do you want most right now?

Alcott: To go home. >:(
Luli: Hm… a cupcake would be delicious right now. :> (she could take it for a trip on the lake! 8D /inside joke)
Ms. Marigold: Perfection.
Tim: ...................... *avoids eye-contact* (*cough*Rick*cough*)
Stefan: Popularity would be nice, for a change.

30. Do you want to change?

Alcott: I don’t need to change. (He really needs to lose the arrogance.)
Luli: Oh no, the clothes I am wearing are fine. :D
Ms. Marigold: ...
Tim: Absolutely.
Stefan: Eh. I don’t know. :I

Soooooo uuuugh...

Mood: I want to play Klonoa 2. But I'm doing homework.

Uuuugh. JUST 5 MORE HISTORY IDENTIFICATIONS, THEN I'LL BE DONE WITH MY SUMMER HOMEWORK!!! ;A; Well, not really. I still have an English worksheet and two 1-page essays. But that'll be easy. Hopefully.

BUT ENOUGH ABOUT THAT! I start school on Tuesday. :I So expect me to be less active.... Yeah. I'm pretty satisfied with myself this summer, I managed to upload like.... 14 fan arts, a couple strips, and some TAOMAR. I really wanted to work on Rock Band... but I never got around to it. ;A; I actually have the next page sketched out. I'll ink it soon enough...
SPEAKING OF INKING! My pens were dying... which is why I've been slow to ink stuff. Dx I really hate pens. But I got some new pens today. They're supposed to not dry out very fast or something. Hopefully they'll last longer than the ones I usually get. And they're like, 10 dollars cheaper, so.... HOPEFULLY. They're the same brand, though, so I don't really get it. xD
Also, I bought a GREY PRISMACOLOR MARKER! WOOOOO! 8D I've needed one for a while.... Yup. Oh, I also found out they sell COPICS AT MICHAEL'S! :O Well, individually. And they're the "sketch" kind, so I don't know how different they are from the normal ones... Yeah. And they're like 6 dollars each. EXPENSIVE. WHYYYY. ;3;

Okay. That's all. I'm so bad at ending posts...

I made an OC quiz. :0

Mood: Hungry. xD;;;

Yeah. It's a quiz where your OC answers questions about their crush.

1) Choose an OC
2) Have them answer the following questions about his/her crush.
3) YEAH. You don’t have to tag people.

I choose you! Stefan! I guess Stefan has two crushes, though.... I'll have him talk about Gabe. Even if you would've preferred to hear him talk about Tomato. UH-HUH.... Okay.

Oh yeah, a couple of the questions came from this quiz.

1. How did you first meet him/her?
At work, I'm assuming. It wasn't a very memorable meeting. :/

2. How long have you known him/her?
A year or two. I've known him since he became Tomato's hair stylist, which was maybe two years ago.

3. How long have you liked them?
*shrugs* I don't know... Maybe a couple months. I don't know.

4. What do you like best about them?
Well, he's definitely not afraid to be himself.

5. Is there anything you dislike about them?
Oh my God, he's arrogant, rude, and such a moron. And those eyebrow piercings... Jesus, what is he thinking? They look terrible. And he wonders why people don't like him! "Well Gabe, it's because you insult people and make controversial remarks and are insensitive." Sigh... that boy... *rant rant rant*

6. Are you two going out?
No. We went on a date. Once.
(Spoiler? xD I'm going to draw a couple of strips about it, but it won't be for some time b/c I'm slow and lazy and...)

7. Are you truly in love with them?
Sigh... can you ever be truly in love with someone?

8. What is your favorite physical feature of theirs?
Aha... He has nice arms, I guess? -3- I also kind of like his face... very emotive.

9. What kind of person are they?
He's a bit of a jerk on the surface, But he's actually not to bad a guy the more you get to know him.

10. What do you like best about their personality?
Like I said earlier, he's definitely true to himself. And... I don't know. He's very... amusing.

11. Can he/she make you laugh?
Yes, sometimes. Usually his attempts are unsuccessful, but he can be funny sometimes.

12. Does he/she make you smile?
*shrugs* Yeah, I suppose... *scratches head*

13. Does he/she ever get on your nerves?

14. Do they have any impressive skills?
Well, he's a hair stylist... I guess that's impressive.

15. Do you get jealous when you see him/her with another person?
Maybe a little bit... *mumble mumble*

16. What is your favorite memory with him/her?
*shrugs* I can't think of one at the moment.

17. If you could change one thing about them, what would you change?
That ugly tattoo on his chest. I hate it. >:T
It's not that weird that I know he has a tattoo on his chest. Sometimes I come over to his apartment room in the mornings to drop off his payment or something of the like. He sleeps in his underwear, so...
I always tell him to at least get dressed if he knows I'm coming over. That's another thing I'd change. JESUS, PUT ON SOME CLOTHES, GABE... *rant rant*

18. Does he/she have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
Not that I know of. I don't know how many lovers he has, though.

19. Do you ever dream about him/her?
*Shrugs* Maybe sometimes...
I MEAN, not that I remember them or anything. Why would I dream about that guy?
(Stefan has conflicted feelings. :d)

20. How much does he/she mean to you?
He's one of the few friends I have, so I do care about him.

21. How often do you hang out with them?
Um... he usually goes drinking with me. Or accompanies me while I go drinking, rather. And I see him often enough since he does Tomato's hair for photo shoots.

22. Do you ever embarrass yourself in front of them?
No, of course not. I never do anything embarrassing.

23. Why are you in love with them?
Ha... I wish I knew the answer to that question.

24. How close are you to him/her?
I don't know. I probably don't mean much to him. He's a friend, though.

25. If you haven’t done so already, do you plan on asking him/her out?
*Shakes head* I don't want this crush to turn into anything more.

Okay. I feel like I should draw more OFAV now.
Feel free to do this, if you want! :)


Mood: Beh.

Okay, usually I refrain from expressing my dislike for purely auto-tuned songs, but I have to show you this:

I don't even know what to say. Except that I don't like auto-tuning.
You can disregard this post. Idk. I hate complaining, but aspdkulxjrflak. Sorry. I'm good now.