29 Years Old

Hey, I'm Raphael and I love OCs! Yeah. Also I study linguistics. Idk what to put here.

Other Social Media:


Mood: Yey
Currently working on: The Adventures of Marth and Roy: ch. 2, pg. 4(fan comics), Chiming Bells: Cover(Fan Comics), Transfer Student: Intro 1(Fan Comics), Suiseiseki Wallpaper(Wallpaper)
Also working on: Random-o stuff. xD

YEY toaday is is friiiidaaay. but i'm so busyyyy....
yea. i made the title wallies, not because i saw that movie "WALL-E" or anything, but because i got my first wallpaper accepted. .3. I used to go on takara's old account, cos she was never on, and i decided to make a wallpaper. :D but it got DECLINED. or REJECTED. x[ i was really dissapointed. x_x yea, but then i remembered i had some wallpapers that i made on some old xanga skins, and decided to use those. :D
If you've looked at my wallpaper, than go here www.xanga.com/akioh_layout1 to actually see it. .3. that's how it looked on xanga,
well. i needa get going to school now. see you later. :3
oh, and w00t~
