29 Years Old

Hey, I'm Raphael and I love OCs! Yeah. Also I study linguistics. Idk what to put here.

Other Social Media:


Mood: Pretty good
Currently working on: See Previous post
Also working on: See previous post, Shiho Tsubaho Pride Lands Form(fan art)
Work In Progress: External Image

Yay~ I'm working on my final entry for UnknownRumors's contest~ w00t~ xDD Unknown-san, if you're reading this, the blue part of his fur counts as his hair, not his skin. :> Just want you to know, so this doesnt count as a blue lion... .3. I dun wanna be disqualified. :>
Oh, and his fur is gonna be brown. :0 NOH WAY, DOOD. yeah.... >.>;;
anyways... I'll be working on this for a while... (it takes longer to do CG rather than traditional coloring... ._.;;)
yay. -_-;
It was colored on Gimp 2, by the way. :>


Mood: beh.
Currently working on: The Adventures of Marth and Roy: ch.2 pg. 11/12(fan comics), Chiming Bells: Prolouge II(fan comics)
Also working on: Pit picture... Ike picture... Palutena picture... Uniforms(all fan art)

Yeahh. I noticed that in order for the adventures of marth and roy to be classified in the Super Smash Bros. section, i need more ssb characters. The SSB character list is:
Thus Far...
Soon To Appear...[spoilers!! o_o]
*Palutena! (The goddess that appears when pit does his final smash. kay?)
*er... toon link?
Later to Appear![spoilers!! o_o]
*Zero suit samus? o_o (haw. even takara didn't see that coming.)
*Peach...? o_o;; (haww. that too.)
*Other Manga/anime-ly characters. ._.;;

Yeahh. they shall appear. But some characters are OCs, and i might make Ephraim appear at some point. (Ephraim... the guy from Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stone)
ahem... let me start over..
My friend watched Howls Moving Castle recently, and she told me that Howl was played by the guy who plays Batman. Shocking, no?
