Heeeey. :D

Mood: In good spirits
Currently working on: RB:SI ch. 1 pg. 2, pic of Marth, a picture for my RL friend, Miyoko and/or Hiroki for Fire.Freak, A picture for Icefoxchan, a picture for Arcticwulf, a picture for King-sama, and alsidthlktnwer3525tw34t for yuuranachi
Recently added: OFAV pg. 3

'Sup guys. It's the weekend! :D That means I'm going to try to finish up a few more drawings from my list... Starting with the pic for my RL friend and the pic of Marth. Then I'll get started on all the gift stuff. :)
Oh, I'm also sketching out the next page of the Rock Band comic. xD That shouldn't take too long, so that'll be up within a few weeks, I hope...

Also. (this isn't really of relevence, but...) You may recall from a while ago that I said Kasey and Janet/Jo were a couple, but I changed my mind and now they're just BFFS. :D
Word, dawg.

So yup... It's Saturday. I was supposed to play some quartet music at my school as a fundraiser today, but not enough people from the orchestra signed up... so we had to cancel. :( I'm not entirely disappointed, because I didn't know the music all that well... But what I'm really upset about was that I had to print off 20 PAGES OF MUSIC AND NOT USE THEM.
Speaking of violin, I asked my private teacher to teach me vibrato. xD I'm in the midst of learning...
It hurts my fingers. D:

I've got an orchestra concert coming up on like, October 26th or something! 8D It'll be my first concert with the top orchestra...
