Concept Sketches: Kasey and Dean

External Image
Some more character planning/refrences/sketches/something or other. :D
This is the last of Tomato's hair-and-makeup crew. There are other people who do his hair and stuff when he's modeling, but they don't usually stay constant. o3o
Anyways, this is Kasey (left) and Dean (right). More mini profiles:

Name: Kasey
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Height: 5'6
Special Talent: Make-up
Hobbies: Reading magazines, make-up, hanging out with Jo
Likes: Pop-culture magazines
Dislikes: Haughty people
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Love Intrest: any "hot" guy.
Personality: Gossip-y, bubbly

She's Jo's girlfriend and does Tomato's make-up. She's into pop-culture and is up-to-date on the latest gossip. She loves to gossip. xD; It says in her profile that she dislikes haughty people, and you may be thinking "Isn't Tomato haughty?"
Well... Tomato is nice and up-beat, so she likes him. :D

Name: Dean Johnson
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Height: 5'8
Special Talent: Hair styling, make-up, following orders
Hobbies: Doing whatever Gabe, Jo, Kasey, Tomato, or Stefan tell him to do. (Not really a hobby, but...)
Likes: Leah
Dislikes: Mick
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual
Love Intrest: Leah
Personality: Submissive

This is actually my friend's character! :D Kinda. She drew him in a picture (along with a girl and another guy), and I named him Dean and gave him a personality. She said I could use him. :)
Anyways, Dean is the hairstyling assistant/make-up assistant/wardrobe supervisor for Tomato. Baisically, he gets all the grunt work. xD; He's also the youngest... he's FRESH OUTTA COLLEGE. :D
He's a super pushover, and HAS NO BACKBONE. (not literally.)
People boss him around a lot.
He has a crush on a girl named Leah, but Leah has a boyfriend.
