Planning for stories and stuff.
Word, dawg.
note: this intro hasn't been thoroughly updated in a couple years
This is a world I made mostly for my own use, but I made it a public world anyways. I'll be posting things about story outlines, my characters, my comics (including fan comics), WIPs, ect... It's pretty much a world where I can store information and/or plan things. xD
Below are short descriptions of my stories to help you know what's going on. xD It also shows which characters are in which story, along with their extended profile if I have one made. Some stories aren't mentioned because I don't work on/think about them often. Therefore, not all of my characters are mentioned.
The link leads to the fan comic in my portfolio. If there isn't a link, there isn't a comic yet.
*Rock Band: Something Impossible: The story of a Rock Band and their adventures in music business.
Major Characters: Michka, Zack, Loyal, Dare, Rick
Important/Frequently Mentioned Supporting Characters: Damian, Tim, Dare's Aunt aka Auntie
*Of Fruits and Vegetables: 4-panel comics of the life of a 21-year-old model and his friends/workmates.
Major Characters: Tomato, Stefan, Tomato's Boyfriend aka "TB", Gabe, Janet aka Jo, Kasey, Dean
Important Supporting Characters: Danny, Leah, Mick
*Dreams: The story of a rich and pampered English boy who gets transported to the mysterious town of Dreams, and his adventures there.
Major Characters: Alcott, Luli, Ms. Marigold
Important Supporting Characters: Shinitsu, Annabelle, and others that are to be decided.
**Annabelle's and Ms. Marigold's profiles are in the same post.**
Story Dialogues: 1.1, 1.2, 2.1
*My Dear Princess: The story of an orphan child, a princess, and friends who's home country's peace is threataned by the evil prince of a country that was thought to be nonexistant. (CONFUSING. xD)
Major Characters: Isaac, Charlotte, Rinchu, Segran, Lucia, Nicholay, Faida, Hrafn, Falorin, Gaelnis
Important Supporting Characters: To be decided.
*Foreigner: An alien boy sent to Earth to destroy the human race finds himself in Los Angeles California, befriends a human girl, and gets involved in crazy advetures.
Major Characters: Kor, Gliding Eagle
Important Supporting Characters: Michelle, Dailen
*A Life Like This: A written story in the perspectives of Dare, Tim, and Rick.
Major Characters: Tim, Dare, Rick, Ms. Ackart
Important Supporting Characters: See characters for Rock Band: Something Impossible.
Chapters: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten
*Teach Me Something Good: A story about a friendship between a student and a teacher. Somewhat of a spin-off of Of Fruits and Vegetables.
Major Characters: Noland, Chrystal
Important Supporting Characters: Prudence), Stefan (briefly)
*I Was a Boy, Too: A short 3-part story about Gabe when he was in high school. Optional backstory related to Of Fruits and Vegetables.
Major Characters: Gabe, William
Important Supporting Characters: DJ, Dave
Parts: One
*Nerdy and Jock: So there's this nerd, and this jock, and also they're boyfriends. That's it.
Major Characters: Jack, Ned
Important supporting characters: Matthew Brodney III, Dmitri, Charlotte, Jessica Marron, Lafayette, Brodney's girlfriend who doesn't have a name yet;;;
*The Adventures of Marth and Roy: Super Smash Brothers fan comic. Title is pretty self-explanitory.
Major Characters: Marth, Roy, Ike, Pit
I don't have a name for his story, but Jamal is a Kingdom Hearts fan character. I figured I'd mention him because I draw him often enough.
Also, if you want to find posts that feature a specific character, type in the URL[character name]. For example, will bring you to posts about Dare. :)
Enjoy Your Stay at Various Planning!
For Christmas, I made a couple 3 inch by 5 inch drawings for my friends. :V I meant to post these last week when I finished them, but then I forgot... so I guess I'll just stick them in a doodle dump with some other stuff. *u*b

(^this one was for keyblademewkasa, btw. 8^D /pointless mention)

Idk what to say about these individually, really... overall, they were a lot of help with practicing coloring! *U*b Though it turns out 3x5 is actually very small, when printed. Idk why I thought they would be larger, when I went to print them... BUT WELL, now I know to make them bigger, next time. :^D
I felt bad for making the Dean Johnson drawing for one of my friends, because it was just of my OC... I was running out of time before break, and my characters are the fastest for me to draw. She likes Dean, though, so she was pretty happy with it in the end. -u-b

Some Noland head that came out pretty decent. Noland has such an afro, idk what happened with his design. :I ALL OF MY CHARACTERS GET PUFFY HAIR, EVENTUALLY... It's weird for me to think that I've only had him for a year and a half, though! I feel like he's been around a long time.
Sometimes, I want to draw out chapters from Teach Me Something Good so I can draw NOLAND IN ACCTION (??) and not just as a silent fretful dude. But DIALOGUE! DIALOGUE TAKES SO LONG TO WRITE OUT!! And then I'd have to figure out how to panel all those pieces of dialogue, and then I'd have to draw all those panels, and then and then and then... I felt like that SteGabe comic I did this year was a big ordeal, but it was actually a relatively simple comic to plan out and draw. Doing chapters from TMSG would be like 30+ pages to draw, and with more backgrounds and scene changes.... guhghgh. orz Idk how professional comic people can do this. WEH. ;m;
...and there's my mini blab about how distressing comics can be.

I felt like drawing O. J., one day, so I drew him. My sketchbook is only big enough for me to comfortably draw people in full body when they're sitting down... but if I get a bigger sketchbook, then everything gets distorted b/c of the angle I draw at. :I HGBLAGH.

But yeah, I wanted to draw Noland and Prue being cute butts. I'm slowly figuring stuff out about Prue, as far as her backstory and personality go. Something about being a 3rd wheel all her life or something, idk. (i-it sounds lame when I put it like that, but.......;;;)
I blabbed a whole ton to Michka about Noland and Prue's relationship, so MAYBE ONE DAY... I'LL MAKE A COMPREHENSIVE POST ABOUT THEM.... I've said that before, and I still haven't done it. I just want to make like PICTURE DIAGRAMS (??) or something to go along with it, because just words on their own is too boring. :I
Anyway, yeah. I started inking this, but I only got as far as this at the moment:

I'm kind of excited to color, but a little worried... I'm using a canvas size that equates to 11 x 17 inches, so WHO KNOWS WHAT'LL HAPPEN... I'm mainly worried about the program crashing while I work on the drawing. orz

O. J. again. I'm not used to seeing him in what's supposed to be his "normal clothing," so... yeah, drew this to familiarize myself or something. I changed his color scheme from pastel clothing to brighter, more saturated colors because WHY NOT. Idk, the pastel just wasn't working for me. It made him look to washed out and kinda dead. orz SO BRIGHT COLORS IT IS!
Anyway, here's some sketches/doodles I did in my doodle notebook thing.

Some years ago, my sister left me a comment with her prediction of all the pairings that would happen in OFAV, by character. For Stefan, she said "Stefan >> everyone."
The only one of these that's moderately canon is StefanxTomato, because Stefan has a sort-of crush on Tomato in the comic. (Actually, I keep forgetting he's supposed to like Tomato... but.....;;;)
The next plausible would actually be StefanxDean. (!?!?) Stefan usually treats Dean pretty well (compared to the rest of the cast minus TB), but that's partially because Dean kind of a little bit reminds of Stefan of Noland. So I guess he's a little partial to Dean because of that.
The least plausible is... UH... probably StefanxKasey. I think Kasey is 100% unattracted to Stefan, purely because Stefan is 30 years old. Which is old for her. IDK, KASEY, YOU'RE ALREADY 25 OR 26 YOURSELF...

This is from some dialogue I was planning out for a comic about Stefan, Gabe, tattoos, and the levels of friendship or something. (????) I never finished the comic or the dialogue... I just took a picture of this because I like Stefan's face, here. 8D I like drawing an annoyed look on his face, hahaha.

I also really like drawing slightly-bashful-but-not-quite Gabe. 8D;;; This is probably the face of Gabe that I doodle the most in my notebooks....

Stefan was freaking out about making the monthly quota, or something. (??? idk how to talk in business terms.) Gabe's trying to help him out like an Absolute Pro.

A little doodle I did based on THIS AMAZING DRAWING THAT GEROCHAN DID FOR ME!!! ;0; ;0; ;0; /i'm totally bragging sorry
The "Stefan and Gabe Japanese umbrella romance" in the background made me wonder if Gabe would draw something like that.
Answer: maybe...

KISS ON CHEEK, OOOH. yeah. Here's my sort of ref. :V I-I like drawing corny romance stuff, okay...
Gabe's actually not that much taller than Stefan, so HOW LAME OF ME TO DRAW HIM SO TALL. Maybe Stefan's leaning down or something, idk.
Hey guys! I almost had this post halfway typed last night, when my computer decided to lose internet connection. WHICH WAS WEIRD, because I didn't even switch pages or click on anything, so.... .____. But whatever, I'll try to retype everything.
While I was doodling yesterday, I wanted to compare some of the head shapes of my characters. My characters' faces still all look vaguely similar, but I think I'm starting to get somewhere. xD Most of them still don't have definitive head shapes (like Jo, Tim, Rick, TB...), but here's a couple that I'm working on.
This might not be interesting for you, but this is mostly for me so I have somewhere to put these notes without having to just remember them all the time. xD

Noland: As I sort of mentioned in the previous post, Noland was the first character I successfully (?) made an effort to give a different face shape. I had been sort of experimenting with Stefan and Gabe's heads for a little bit, but I hadn't been getting anywhere. :V
What makes Noland ~*~SPECIAL~*~ is that unlike most of my other characters, he doesn't have an upturned nose, and his head isn't triangular shaped. THIS WAS GROUNDBREAKING FOR ME! If you look at my fan art previous to this picture, everyone has really pointy chins. And I still tend to draw pointy chins, but I like to think that I'm getting better. ;u; ANYWAY, unlike a lot of my other characters, Noland's head is rectangular shaped at the root of things. Another notable thing is that he doesn't have a definite cheekbone. His jawline is also supposed to be more square or something, but........... hm.
I sometimes mess up, and his head ends up looking more like Gabe's. :V;;; I'm trying to be more consistent. xD;
Gabe: Gabe's head tends to be my default guy-in-his-20's head. ...which is kind of weird, because I get a little inconsistent with drawing his head. xD; Gabe's face is kind of like a combination of Stefan's pointy face and Noland's unpointy face. (??? IDK, THAT'S JUST HOW I THINK OF IT.) His nose is the most like how I used to draw noses on everyone, which is somewhat-up-turned-and-somewhat-pointy. (??? DON'T QUESTION ME.) Yeah, Gabe's just like the middle ground for some reason.
I remember writing early on that he would have high cheekbones, and HUZZAH. HE FINALLY DOES! I think. :T I mean, I think they look like high cheekbones... >3>
Dean: I included Dean here because I wanted to look at his face compared to Dare. :V My little sister always gets them confused whenever looking at my drawings. xD I-I THINK THEY LOOK QUITE DIFFERENT, ACTUALLY...
Dean's head and face are really similar to Stefan's. The main differences are that Dean's cheeks slope down more smoothly, and his chin comes to a definite point. (Stefan's chin kind of squares off at the end, a bit.) Another difference is that while Stefan and Dean both have long and pointy noses, Stefan's is more upturned while Dean's points down to some degree. I think Dean's nose is supposed to be smaller, too, and his cupids bow goes straight down instead of outward like Stefan. :m (NO ONE WILL NOTICE THESE THINGS GUH.)
I wrote that Dean's mouth is supposed to be farther from his nose than other characters, but idk if that'll stay true. TOO MUCH TO THINK ABOUT!
Dare: While I said that Noland was the first character I gave a different face shape, Dare was actually the first character I started thinking about faces with. But since I mostly drew his head like I drew my other characters' heads, nothing really changed. xD These days, I'm trying harder to make what I had attempted in the past actually work.
I always try to emphasize a sort of youthfulness with Dare, so his face is very baby-like with round cheeks. His facial features are all close together, and larger than how I draw facial features on other characters. Idk, the smooshed-ness of his face kind of makes it look like he's grinning all the time, which is the point I guess. (/weird vague sentence) I also draw him with the most round and upturned nose out of most of my characters. Alcott might have a more upturned nose than Dare, but I haven't drawn him in so long that I really don't know. xD
While most of his features are rounded, Dare's chin comes to a point. Because of this, I always imagine I'm drawing his head as a heart! 8D Haha.
And uh... YEAH, THERE'S THAT! 8D
By the way, did you ever wonder what Dare looked like before he got into emo fashion? WELL, WONDER NO LONGER!

THAT'S RIGHT, HE HAD SHORT HAIR. That's Dare in 8th grade (14 years old) on the left, and Dare in 9th-ish grade (15-ish years old) on the right. I've been trying to rethink some things about Dare's story for a couple days; specifically, I've been trying to figure out his reasons for the change in clothing. Originally, it was like this:
- He wants to defy "cliques"
- He wants to see how people react, as a sort of social experiment
- He likes these clothes
I really want to nix the first option, because I think cliques are SUPER exaggerated in fiction. Similar people tend to hang out together in high school, but that's just it: people tend to make friends with people who have similar interests, and don't mingle much because of differences in interests. I don't think there's as much ostracizing in high school as I was trying to portray, and I don't think "popular kids" really view themselves as popular. They may see themselves as having better interests than other people, but really I think a lot of people do that.
These days, I'm thinking Dare's reasons are more like this:
- He's very curious about how he looks in other people's eyes, and wants to explore that topic.
- He wants to know what clothes mean to guys.
- He likes these clothes.
Dare is someone who's really interested in his image and how he looks to other people. Questions that usually come to mind when he's around people are, "I wonder what someone will say/think if I say this?" and "I wonder what someone will say/think if I do this action?" It's important to note that Dare's not panicked by these questions; he's just curious about them, and wants to consider what will happen. (This is unlike Noland, who stresses about how other people view him.) Dare's also interested in adolescent-versus-adult perspective, and tries to be aware of what he says and does such that he's reasonably respectful to both adults and his peers. (This mostly applies to adults, though.) Oh, and he's also trying to figure out if clothing has an impact on how respectful you are seen to be, and how respected you are.
BUT OF COURSE, he never really says these things out loud or is even fully aware that this is what he's doing. (It's his natural thought process, so he doesn't think twice about it.) Basically, he's just a naturally self-aware person. In an old picture I drew of him, I included a quote that said "I act how I want to... I do put your perception into consideration, though." This is along the same vein, where Dare is aware of how people view him and wants to present himself positively, but still feels enough freedom to act how he wants to.
The second bullet point isn't really as important, and I haven't really thought about it much. It's just this thing that came to mind when he was talking to his aunt about what clothes mean to girls (who tend to dress to look nice), which got him thinking about what clothes mean to guys (who tend to dress for comfort).
I'm also thinking that Dare meets some sort of instigator, who gets him interested in emo fashion in particular. Haven't really thought that through, yet. I want to go in the direction that Dare's way of dressing doesn't have really anything to do with "rebellion," be it rebelling against cliques (which was my initial goal) or rebelling against adult ideals (which is what teenagers may actually tend to do when getting piercings and dying their hair).
Since that above picture of Dare is so dramatic, let me show you a lovely drawing to remind you of Dare's actual personality.

Keepin' it fly, Dare. I think Dare would make a fantastic rapper. ZACK, MICHKA, LOYAL! GIVE DARE A RAP PART IN ONE OF SOMETHING IMPOSSIBLE'S SONGS! 8D but not really
That's all the stuff about Dare for today. :V ...This post is getting really long. But I have a couple more doodles, so TOO BAD.

For some reason, I really felt the need to make a colored picture of Gaelnis from my fantasy story, My Dear Princess. I don't work on this story because there are just TOO MANY CHARACTERS TO THINK ABOUT and I'll just lose track. ""orz Once I get to a point with OFAV and A Life Like This, I might give it some more consideration. The story's actually got some cool aspects to it. not that you know, because I NEVER POST ANYTHING ABOUT IT
Anyway, I thought it might be cool if Gaelnis was darker skinned. Idk what ethnicity this is supposed to be. :U I ROCK! I'm pretty please with his color scheme, though. For some reason, I tend to favor dull color schemes over highly saturated color schemes.
Okay, last one!

This isn't any character of mine, but he ended up looking like Gabe's old friend William. xD NOT MY INTENTION...
Anyway, last night I was streaming on dA some outfit designs for a friend's trap character. :V (You may already know this, but a "trap" is a guy character who looks good as a girl in girl clothes. I didn't know this for a while, so I thought I'd mention.) These kind of characters tend to look like girls minus the chest, so I ended up saying something along the line of, "I'd like to see a masculine guy pull off a dress." As a result, I thought I'd give a shot at drawing it! I think he looks pretty decent, but idk. what do you think? :V My main intention was to make him look natural.
Cross dressing characters aren't usually my thing, but that's mostly because I get confused on what's actually considered cross dressing. xD; Even with Tomato, who by most standards would probably be considered a trap character, I don't really consider him to be cross dressing. I think it's because he's not really trying to say "I'm a boy in girls clothes," but "I'm wearing fashionable clothes."
Also, something I haven't really mentioned before that's more or less always been true: Tomato also has a very "I'm whatever you say I am" view on gender; so while most people call him male and he tends to identify as male, he also identifies as female when someone calls him female. I personally will only refer to him as male, as it's what he tends to lean more toward. I also won't be referring to this stuff very much in the comics, because gender identity isn't a topic I'm particularly interested it. On a side note, Tomato's gender identity is partially influenced on being an XXY person (? I think that's the correct term), as he has the chromosomes to be a boy (xy) and a girl (xx).
Even though I say cross dressing isn't really my thing, I've always been more or less interested in finding out what it'd look like for a guy to wear a dress and not be cross dressing. Guys can't really pull off dresses cut for girls because they're for a different body type, so I think the first place to start would be with tank top-like dresses, loose fitting dresses, and straight cut dresses. I have a feeling guys in dresses will be a pretty normal fashion subset in some decades. :V (Similar to how girls in suits and pants isn't considered cross dressing, while it would've been cross dressing in the 50's.) But that's just my prediction, I don't really know. xD
Anyway, there's all that. I hope I wasn't controversial in any way, as gender identity and cross dressing can be a sensitive topic for some people. Just thought I'd share some thoughts on the topic.
So yeah!! Thanks for reading this super long post, if you did, and I hope I didn't bore you too much. xD THANKS FOR ALWAYS PUTTING UP WITH MY LONG TALKING!
Hey guys! It's 2 minutes to midnight as I'm typing this. :D Happy almost new year's, everyone!! In the new year's spirit, I did some OFAV new year's doodles. C:

This is the first one I drew. :D Champagne for Stef, and beer for Gabe 'cause I guess he's not classy enough. (?) Idk why Gabe's winking. Drawing laid-back and happy Stef was weird, but it's nice to see him causal(ish) and friendly every so often. :9

I like drawing random dialogue. The main reason Stefan likes new year's is because he has an excuse to drink and not worry. I actually had him saying something along that line, but I accidentally cropped it out. xD;

This isn't related to the previous comic-thing. The premise is that everyone's basically like, "We sometimes think you don't like us Stefan, but it's nice that we got to be your friend this year again! :D" And Stefan is emotional when he drinks.
This bit of StefanxTomato is dedicated to Wakusei Aoshi, who used to ship them and maybe still does.

Actually, there is no drinking age in France. It's illegal to sell alcohol to people under 18 years old.
Dean doesn't drink. Jo does sometimes, but not really much. Pointless information.
Okay, it's 22 minutes after midnight where I am now. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!! Happy 2014! :D Let's have a good year this year!
Hey guys! I'm mostly posting this for my own use so I don't forget this stuff, but take a gander if you want. :M This is a timeline of what Stefan and Gabe were doing before the current OFAV comic strips. I could have included Tomato or Jo in the timeline, but... Tomato was in elementary school when Stefan was in college, so that would be weird to talk about. And I mention Jo occasionally in Gabe's timeline. So there.
YEAH, IDK. I write/draw about this stuff sometimes, so think of this as a brief summary of their lives! 8D And by brief, I mean this is actually kind of long.
There are also a couple characters in Gabe's storyline that I haven't talked about here on theO that I have mentioned on dA. I feel like I should at least officially introduce Will someday...
Stefan: Age 15-18 in 1995-1998. Graduates in 1998. High school is when he begins to develop his tendencies to speak in a manner such that he's always on someone's good side. (Something he does currently when he's trying to book gigs for Tomato. He doesn't care so much around people he's close to.) Mentally, he's very cynical. He has one girlfriend some time in high school, but she breaks up with him after a couple months. He's not bothered because he didn't have strong feelings for her, but he still tried his hardest to be loving while in the relationship. He begins college in 1998.
Gabe: From 1997-1999, he's in high school (age 15-17). Freshman year he has a secret relationship with a friend of his named Dave. Dave accidentally lets it slip, and puts all the blame on Gabe. Gabe accepts the gossip; comes out at school, but not to his family. For part of freshman and sophomore year, his old friends avoid him. He befriends William mid-sophomore year, which helps bridge the gap of awkwardness (?) between him and his old friends. Gabe develops a crush on Will, but he keeps it a secret all through high school.
On a side note, Will ends up marrying his high school sweetheart later in life.
Stefan: Age 20-21, sophomore to junior year in college. Around this time, Stefan begins to notice he's romantically inclined to men the same way he is to women. His feelings for boys don't really surprise or bother him, but he decides not to mention it to anyone due to the fact that he likes girls and can appear straight if he only shows an interest in women. He has a girlfriend, who this time around he is more serious about. Things initially go well between them, but they slowly drift apart due to personal differences. (Stefan was too serious and unromantic for her taste, something like that.) (obviously I haven't had the chance to thoroughly think about this. xD) Their break-up was a mutual decision, but officially it was Stefan's ex-girlfriend who broke up with Stefan. Late 2001, Stefan befriends Noland.
Gabe: Age 18-19. Gabe graduates from high school in 2000, and does not pursue further education. Gabe comes out to his parents after Jo comes out as bisexual to them. (His parents have suspected for a while that Gabe is gay, but have wanted him to tell them himself.) After high school, his father "makes" him work in an automotive shop. He spend the next two years saving up money so he can move out of his home town and quit his job.
Stefan: Age 22, and a senior in college. Stefan and Noland become close friends. Noland comes out and confesses to Stefan, to which Stefan admits similarly. He and Noland begin dating, but their relationship is more physical than emotional, unlike his previous relationship. (Stefan in the future describes to Gabe that he was "100% infatuated with Noland".) Stefan discovers that Noland has been cheating on him late in their relationship, but seems willing to make up with Noland. However, Noland thinks it best for them to break up and their relationship ends. They don't talk to each other for the rest of their college life.
Stefan graduates in 2002 with a degree in marketing.
Gabe: Age 20. Gabe moves to New York and works as an underwear model. He befriends a British (??) model, and the two of them engage in a long-term physical (but not romantic) relationship.
Stefan: Age 23-25. Stefan is hired at a modelling agency as a booking agent for miscellaneous models from the agency, and an overseer for casting calls and open calls (ie: an audition judge of sorts). Because he works with a variety of models at this time, he doesn't become attached to any particular one as friends or romantically. He is not particularly close to any of his coworkers either, because he tends to focus more on work than socializing--even after work hours. He becomes more comfortable being alone around this time, and his distaste for romance becomes more concrete. He is stationed somewhere in the United States.
Gabe: Age 21-23. While in New York, Gabe often uses his British friend (sorry for the lack of name) as a guinea pig for his hobby of hairstyling. Overtime he discovers he enjoys styling hair more than he enjoys standing around in his underpants in front of a camera--I mean, modelling. Luckily (if you want to call it luck), he gets fired in 2004 for getting a tattoo on his arm. He moves back home that year, and discusses with his sister that he wants to be a hairstylist. They decide they want to team up as a hair-and-make-up duo (Jo just finished cosmetology classes at a community college). The two of them spend 2005 figuring out how to get started, when Gabe throws in the idea of moving to Paris (despite only having mediocre skills in French).
Somewhere in 2004 or 2005, Gabe gets that weird tattoo on his chest. (Not that it's relevant at all...)
Stefan: Age 26-27. Stefan is assigned to Tomato as his personal modelling agent. Initially he finds the 17 year old boy extremely naive and highly annoying. After spending copious amounts of time together (and partially because of accidental flirting on Tomato's part), Stefan develops an awkward crush on Tomato. In late 2007, the two move to Paris on orders from Stefan's boss.
Gabe: Age 24-25. Gabe and Jo move to Paris, France. While Gabe's French is bad, Jo knows enough from high school and miscellaneous classes to help the two of them get by. Some time in 2006 the two of them meet and befriend Kasey, another American living in France. (How the heck...) The three of them then decide to team up as a hair and make-up trio. (??) Gabe spends 2006 and 2007 as a freelance hairstylist, rooming with Jo and Kasey until he acquires enough money for himself. Initially he thinks Kasey is annoying, but they eventually bond over their love for attractive male celebrities. (??????) Oh yeah, and his French does get better over time... Sort of.
Stefan: Age 28-29. In Paris, Tomato finds a boyfriend. Stefan initially thinks that Tomato having a boyfriend should prevent his feelings from becoming too prevalent, but instead he develops a kind of jealousy. As usual, Stefan tries to ignore his feelings.
On his bosses orders, Stefan hires a hair-and-make-up crew for Tomato. I don't know exactly how he finds out about Gabe, Jo, and Kasey (probably through a combination of phone calls, the internet, and the newspaper), but he does and he hires them.
Gabe: Age 26-27. Gabe thinks Stefan is physically attractive right off the bat, but at this point he's not emotionally attracted to him. This is the point in life when he notices he feels the most comfortable where he's at. He loves his job and and the people he spends time with. YAY!
Stefan: Age 30. This is the current year in OFAV! A bit before the comics start, he hires Dean Johnson for help with things besides hair and make-up. He sees Dean more as an intern than an employee initially, but eventually trusts him with important and difficult tasks.
Gabe: Age 28. This is the current year in OFAV! Around this time Gabe begins to develop romantic feelings for Stefan, and tries to become closer to him on a more intimate level.
Even though OFAV technically takes place in 2010, I'll probably still make references to things that happen after 2010. Yes, nonsensicality!
I feel like the timeline ends kind of abruptly. Oh well. Thanks for reading, if you did!
I really don't know why I have all this stuff planned out, considering it NEVER SHOWS UP IN OFAV. Or idk, maybe there'll be references to some of this stuff occasionally...