
Mood: Pretty good
Currently working on: See Previous post
Also working on: See previous post, Shiho Tsubaho Pride Lands Form(fan art)
Work In Progress: External Image

Yay~ I'm working on my final entry for UnknownRumors's contest~ w00t~ xDD Unknown-san, if you're reading this, the blue part of his fur counts as his hair, not his skin. :> Just want you to know, so this doesnt count as a blue lion... .3. I dun wanna be disqualified. :>
Oh, and his fur is gonna be brown. :0 NOH WAY, DOOD. yeah.... >.>;;
anyways... I'll be working on this for a while... (it takes longer to do CG rather than traditional coloring... ._.;;)
yay. -_-;
It was colored on Gimp 2, by the way. :>
