Greetings! Welcome to "Sticky Piano Keys" which is a totally random name that I came up with and yes, I do play the piano. For those of you who used to read my posts on, ya'll already know that I'm kinda crazy.... in a good way.... well, it could be in a good way if I was trying to freak someone out..... otherwise, it's just.... well, crazy. Am I rambling? *unicornrain throws buttered toast at moonshine7's head and narrowly misses, hitting the computer screen instead* ...... I suppose I'll take that as a "yes." Anyway, enjoy the insanity! Oh, and here's just a few facts about me:

Favorite Manga/Anime: Fruits Basket, Bleach, Saiyuki Reload, D.Gray Man, XxX Holic, Angel Sanctuary, Full Metal Alchemist, Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2, Death Note, InuYasha, Chronicles of the Cursed Sword, Paradise Kiss, and Hamtaro (does that even count? XD)

Favorite movie at the moment: Sweeny Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

All time favorite movie: Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Favorite CD at the moment: Disturbed, Indestructible

My other worlds:
The End
Inside the Rubber Room
Under a Bloodred Moon

My Profiles on other Sites:

Happy Holidays ^_^

Greetings everyone ^^ I am now on Christmas break! *cheers* And even though I'm sick (sinus ick), I've been having a good break (for the few hours that i've been out). I'm keeping a friend's dog (a pug) while she's going on vacation, and let me tell you, that dog is handfull. My big dog is terrified of her xD

My latest addiction is the Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones game for PS2. A friend loaned it to me, and I had a real hard time playing it at first, but I'm starting to get the hang of it. ^^ Instead of fighting the enemies, I just throw them to the ground and stab them. I'm a bad fighter ^^"

Also, I changed my MyO theme, so if anyone still stops by there, I would love to have some feedback on it. There should be a link in the introduction. Like I said, should be. I honestly don't remember if there is one. If there's not, you're not crazy; it's just me.

Wow, this is getting to be a long post. If you don't want to read anymore, here's the link to a fancy christmas card that I sooo did.... not.... make:

One other thing before I go, I finally finished another piece of fan art, and if anyone has time and would like to hug my drawing, I would appreciate it ^^ Here's the link:

External Image

Have a happy holiday season everyone! ttyl!

Random Icon of the Day:
