You inspired me to do this lol. I got much more to put up. We old skoolrs have to show the new peeps what we've been talking about and shouting for. They may have heard of the game, but they don't know how important that game was and still is.
On the Jazz! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/06/11 | Reply
OH MY GOD. Pic #3 is so sexy. If I were a guy, I'd totally be sporting right now. Holy hell. That is my boy right there. I love the pic with the honey bees! I always had them do Cloud's make up for that part of the game lmao.
Dark Phoenix
On the Jazz! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/06/11 | Reply
@Crimson Buu:
Right on. It makes me miss the pretty CloudxAeris theme I used to have on myO. I love Aeris. <3
Crimson Buu
Senior Otaku | Posted 11/06/11 | Reply
You inspired me to do this lol. I got much more to put up. We old skoolrs have to show the new peeps what we've been talking about and shouting for. They may have heard of the game, but they don't know how important that game was and still is.
Dark Phoenix
On the Jazz! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/06/11 | Reply
OH MY GOD. Pic #3 is so sexy. If I were a guy, I'd totally be sporting right now. Holy hell. That is my boy right there. I love the pic with the honey bees! I always had them do Cloud's make up for that part of the game lmao.