On the Jazz! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/08/11 | Reply
Nah, I don't nosebleed, I can take it. I'm too much of a perv. XD Hehe, that's an awesome pic though! And damn, I should have already been in bed, you're keeping up late boy! =P But now I'll have some nice dreams about Cloud/Vincent/Reno, awwww yeah.
Crimson Buu
Senior Otaku | Posted 11/08/11 | Reply
@Dark Phoenix:
Well off you go and sweet dreams See you tomorrow Same bat time...same bat channel lol
Dark Phoenix
On the Jazz! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/08/11 | Reply
Nah, I don't nosebleed, I can take it. I'm too much of a perv. XD Hehe, that's an awesome pic though! And damn, I should have already been in bed, you're keeping up late boy! =P But now I'll have some nice dreams about Cloud/Vincent/Reno, awwww yeah.