Heyy welcome to my Munchy world!! hope you enjoy this world and leave a comment or something and i just might go visit your world too!! ^^ well have a nice day!!!


Well, I'm pretty bored right now, and I should be sleeping but I'm not going to so I'll just be tired for work tomorrow morning...>.> I'm listening to more Varsity Fanclub...I've been listening to like nothing but them since I discovered them. Just 17 more days until their album comes out!!! WEEEEE January 13 is going to be like my second Christmas >.< Hey, i was just looking in the categorys and there is no catergory for Varsity Fanclub *tsk tsk* we really need to get one for them. News: I got a Twitter account today, although I have no idea what to do with it because none of my friends have it...AND I got a tablet. It's like Bamboo Fun Tablet model..CTE 450 or whatever... It's pretty sweet though, probably the best christmas gift I've gotten for awhile :D well I've run out of things to say so...yeah VARSITY FANCLUB JANUARY 13 GO BUY THEIR CD XD yes do what it says

Spring Break equals tons of homework!?

...I'm mad lol 've been doing homework for like the past 5 hours... I'm writing a report for socail studies on alexander graham bell. So far all I've done is take a lot of notes, and my teacher wants me to have atleast one book source, but all the libraries are on strike right now so how am I going to get a book? I started writing a rough draft of my report and have only got about half a paged typed... *sigh* i don't want to work anymore!!! well actually i'm not working right now I'm posting on my world but anywho... now I have noting to say soo byebye?
