
Hi, I'm bored because I'm too lazy to do my homework, my blisters popped on my fingers so it hurts to play guitar, and my brother won't let me play piano because he's studying Macbeth -.- So now I am on the computer listening to Monster by Meg & Dia (which i have recently fallen in love with, the song that is) and typing to no one. Isn't this super fun. So my life, let's friends want to do a secret santa, but they aren't sure so I still can't buy them presents for Christmas until they make up their minds. I have band practice tomorrow morning and the next morning I have to get up early for Mass Music as well and then go on a "Career Fest" field trip. By the way I am currently listening to angelica14's cover of Monster now on Youtube, and she's amazing so if you're reading go listen to her now 0.0 Yeah my life is not that exciting right imma going to go on facebook now...byes xoxo
