Hello everyone XD and welcome! This is my first world created and its all about... well, me! Now don't take that the wrong way. I'm not copnceated This is just kinda like a blog. A way to keep things up to date about things that are going on in the life of Aury. Though I may not post all the time when I probably should, I still try and make updates! So kick back, relax, and read away!
- Created By babygurl24
18 AT LAST!!!
Hellos everyone Get what day today is!! That's right! It be ma birthday!!!! XD I am finally 18 at last! I'm so excited! No more hiding things from my family just because they think I am to young for it, and no more having to worry about what they all thing. I'm excited and ready for my new responsibilities and abilities! Age can no longer hold me back! Florida here I come
Thank you soooooo much to all those who wished me a happy birthday! I REAAAALY appreciate it!