Hello everyone XD and welcome! This is my first world created and its all about... well, me! Now don't take that the wrong way. I'm not copnceated This is just kinda like a blog. A way to keep things up to date about things that are going on in the life of Aury. Though I may not post all the time when I probably should, I still try and make updates! So kick back, relax, and read away!

Every 15 Minutes...

There is an activity that is done all over by many many schools. It's called Every 15 Minutes; a skit and day against and to show the horrors of drunk driving. Yesterday, my school put this activity into motion and the effect it had on the entire school was amazing. Students were pulled out of class every 15 minutes by "Death" himself, and the class was told that this person had died in an alcohol related accident. An obituary is read in front of the class by a sheriff, and then for the rest of the day that student that "died" was went around school like any other day. Only difference was that they were not allowed to speak; they were not allowed to smile; they were not allowed to acknowlege anyone that was around them. It was like they really were ghosts walking around the campus. And to top that all off there was a tomb stone for each student placed in a grassy area in the quad with each students name on it. We were allowed to put things on the headstones, and in reality many people did.
I tried to hug one of my friends when I saw her at break, and she did nothing but stand there with a blank expression. Then when I let her go she walked away without even looking at me. The reality of the who event really began to sink into me at that point.
In addition to the students that died during the day, there was a skit in the middle of the street. It was of a car wreck. A head on collision where one of the drivers had been drunk. The Drunk driver was fine with nothing but a bunch of scratches and bruises, where as his passenger was thrown from the vehicle and lay dead in the middle of the road with his head smashed in (keep in mind that all the actors were real students here at my school or real police officers, paramedics, or firefighters. Even the passenger that was laying dead in the street was played by one of the students). Both people in the front of the other car were stuck, one ended up being paralyzed and the other died before they could get her to the hospital. The passengers in the back of the other car were able to get out, but as soon as they saw the dead student (Travis) on the ground they began screaming and crying and trying to wake him up. They knew Travis and were his friends. They really had officers and everyone involved with the real thing down to the scene. This skit brought out the emotions in so many people that half of the audience was crying.
They really put the students through what would have really happened if it weren't a skit. The drunk driver went to jail for the night, the students that were injured were really taken to the hospital. The police really did call the parents of all these students as if it was a real thing.
This was really an emotional thing, even for me, someone who has never lost someone they care about to alcohol. I never cry, and yet I couldn't seem to keep myself pulled together. Even today as we had the assembly and listened to the stories of all of the students that had been pulled from class and done the skit. I was a mess and couldn't stop crying. As soon as the assembly was over I ran to the friends that I hadn't seen since yesterday as a dead person and cried hugging them tightly. I kept thinking what would I do if they really were dead? what would I have done if I really would have never been able to see them all again.... Even now as I write this I feel close to tears...

Here is a video of the skit from 2 years ago. Keep in mind that these emotions on the video isnt just acting. They are real. Especially the parents. I would put up the video from this year, but it was made only yesterday night and I dont have a copy and it isn't on youtube yet.
