Hrm.... Well my little world is basically my blog; my bubble really. I'll write about anything that I find interesting or funny-things that have to be told to everyone. I'll also sometimes put up some of my sketchy drawings that have no place in my gallery like most if not all of my works or works in progress.
I enjoy comments, good or bad. I just want to know your opinion, too.

Halloween from a jack-o-lantern

I was a young pumpkin when this all started. I was round and carefree. But one day, I was separated from my family and friends. I remember it well. The air was crisp and cold, the leaves were all shades of brown, red, yellow, and orange. I cried out for my family, but they couldn't come. I was put into a box cramed full of other pumpkins that I didn't know. No one spoke, we were all scared of what was happening. Our journey was uncomfortable and bumpy, some of us got squished and died. We were put up for sale and I was chosen by a young girl, her family took me home and tortured me. They cut holes on my face and gutted me out until I had nothing left. I passed out for the pain was too much to handle. When I woke up I was outside in the cold with a flickering candle replacing my insides. The glow of it went through the holes in my head that made my face. I was quite enjoying the warm feeling, then, at the end of the night, I was taken by a dark shadow and smashed all over the lawn. END.

Ok, I meant to put this up on Monday, but I forgot the notebook that I had written this in. It seemed right for Halloween :) Anyway, hope you like the new perspective on it, sad isn't it? X3 I luv you pumpkin <3

