...Ne, ne znam na sto mislis, lol. Kako to mislis, da sam ja "mafija"? :
LOL, salim se!! :D Nsmijao sam se kad si to napisala i da, znam na sto si mislila.^^
You probably won't get a lot of comments?! Are you kidding me?! XD Ahah, if you didn't get a lot of comments, I would personally tell everyone to get over here and shower you with rainbows tell you how amazing you are! Yeah, that's fierce. X3
Anyways, my word for you? Well, like I said, I could write a novel, but... I think "THEBESTSWEETESTMOSTAMAZINGKINDAWESOMEFANTASTICCAR
Last edited by Hulaberry32 at 12:30:56 AM CDT on July 19, 2011.
Mind Reader (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/18/11 | Reply
Mafija? XD Zezam se :3 (nadam se da znaš na što mislim.)
Hm.. there are a lot of words so it's hard to decide..
Carny^^. Mix of 2 words > caring and funny. lol, I just cheated xD It sounds a bit weird, but the meaning of the word is positive , right?
It could be funring too ...idk which one is better
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/20/11 | Reply
No needs to apologize, it's alright! :D Hey thank you.^^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/20/11 | Reply
How did I miss this?! So sorry! I am happy that you got so many responses though, you deserve them all. But choosing only one word is hard... Epic :D
Last edited by fma17 at 1:11:46 AM CDT on July 20, 2011.
I am Delin! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/19/11 | Reply
lol that i did :D
Don't lose the moon while counting the stars
Otakuite++ | Posted 07/19/11 | Reply
That's okay. x3
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/19/11 | Reply
Aw, well that would be really sweet from you. :) Thank you for that, but as you can see
strangelyI have somewhat much. x3Awwww, that's really nice and sweet for you to say~! Thank you. :D
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/19/11 | Reply
...Ne, ne znam na sto mislis, lol. Kako to mislis, da sam ja "mafija"? :
LOL, salim se!! :D Nsmijao sam se kad si to napisala i da, znam na sto si mislila.^^
Hvala sto mislis tako.^^
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/19/11 | Reply
Haha, I made a mistake there. It should have been "word" not "world". XD
But I changed it now.^^
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/19/11 | Reply
So you actually made this random meme? Pretty awezing. XD
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 07/19/11 | Reply
You probably won't get a lot of comments?! Are you kidding me?! XD Ahah, if you didn't get a lot of comments, I would personally tell everyone to get over here and
shower you with rainbowstell you how amazing you are! Yeah, that's fierce. X3Anyways, my word for you? Well, like I said, I could write a novel, but... I think "THEBESTSWEETESTMOSTAMAZINGKINDAWESOMEFANTASTICCAR
Last edited by Hulaberry32 at 12:30:56 AM CDT on July 19, 2011.
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/18/11 | Reply
one word? hmm.. this is hard, maybe..
"averygoodfriendwhoisalwaystheretohelp" XDD lol
Or simply just "awesome"! Yes, yes you are :3
King of LLamas (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/18/11 | Reply
The one word to describe you is:
.......NYAA~!!! xD
C yaz!! ^^
Administrator | Posted 07/18/11 | Reply
I thought that word sounded cool. ;D
You probably know that is means "the love of humanity", because you're such a caring person X3
Find a reason to smile
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/18/11 | Reply
Wonderfantastic :D
Star Crossed
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/18/11 | Reply
a sweetheart!
Er.... That's two.... XD
Bluemoon Halo
Otakuite++ | Posted 07/18/11 | Reply
Caring ^-^!
Music Fairy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/18/11 | Reply
I'll say kind-hearted:D
Maybe I should do this too...:)
Mind Reader (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/18/11 | Reply
Oh and, I think you'll get many comments :)
Mind Reader (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/18/11 | Reply
Mafija? XD Zezam se :3 (nadam se da znaš na što mislim.)
Hm.. there are a lot of words so it's hard to decide..
Carny^^. Mix of 2 words > caring and funny.
lol, I just cheated xD It sounds a bit weird, but the meaning of the word is positive , right?It could be funring too ...idk which one is better
Otakuite++ | Posted 07/18/11 | Reply
I think that it's MikuBerry's world that expresses herself the most! x3
I am Delin! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/18/11 | Reply
Taking the little thing i started no >w>
Don't lose the moon while counting the stars