Yea i know its freaky!
Its so bad ass!
But i felt so amazing cause my dad paid the bill awww yay >3<
I just paid it off today and we went there like i think 2 days before but we couldn't pay, cause my phone was suspended xO
Lol but yea i guess we are in different countries so it is diffrent =X
Oh yea hows the school life going ?
Last edited by swizzledhazelnut at 11:32:42 PM CDT on September 9, 2011.
I think that they are a really good brand.
I'm not too sure if they just make tablets or other technology stuff xD
But I do hope your friends likes the tablet~ :D
Waaah, how can you get that large bill?! XD Seriously, watch out there, it is dangerous. :P
On an average I spend about 15 dollars per month, not including internet (but how much it is expensive I don't use it XP).
But then again, we live in different countries and the payment is probably also much different.^^
I understand you completely, believe me. I also had teachers in my dreams... XD
But seriously. I remember my Latin teacher, then some other ones.. Wow, it worse than some classic nightmares! LoL!
But hey, I also try to reduce stress as much as possible. It is all in our head and what we believe. We have to try to alter that!
Yes, and do you know what that means? You have to buy one, pronto!! LoL! XD
Good to know! ^_^ I already said to her that you bought it and that you like it and also heard recommendation from some other people, so it seems that Bamboo is the best choice for that quality tablets.^^ Also thanks on the advice, also watch out there. ~xD
Haha, well you can't wait another year, now can you? We have to watch it when it comes!!! :D
Lol yea they must be quite old! But thats kinda cool =D
actaully i donught its the best thing to do, but then i hate sending money, i went to the mall to pay for my phone today, to find out my account got suspened and my bill was 121$ D'x
WAH! but then i guess its okay kinda =P
Thank you. Yes, I do understand that. XD
Lol, actually school is making me depressed and I'm getting stressed. Even my teachers keep showing up in my dreams.
Last night I had a dream about my chem teacher. He gave me an exam and I failed at it. It was so hard, I couldn't remember the formulas. And then he laughed so hard until he cried.
I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls <3
Oh yes~!!! Definitely worth it~!!!!!
If she buys it, make sure that she installs it properly.
That's how i kept on getting that blue screen-thing popping up. I accidentally blocked the software so the Tablet didn't work properly ^^'
But it is worth it! :D
I have watched it and it's amazing~!!!! 8D
I usually wait for movies to come out in English, but I just had to watch to now x'D
High school and school in general is important for us, you probably understand that.
I am sure that you are quite a good student there because you don't have much free time like you say.
BUT, if you throw away that time at some silly and so called fun things, you are going to miss and not feel well yourself later, right?
And besides, I am sure that you still manage to do many things. Take a look at your graphic skills there, you are pretty good and I am sure that you enjoy in that. :)
However also remember this.. Don't overdo yourself and don't stress too much! While school is important it is not worth all that if you go beyond limits.
Last edited by LightFykki at 9:15:37 AM CDT on September 5, 2011.
I will, muhahaha!!! :DD
Hehe, that creepy looking head sounds fun. :3
Castles are quite nice... and old. xD Sorry that you don't have any there.. ;w;
Yup, after a while you get used to it, but it is still nice seeing them.^^
If you think that's the best, then definitely go for it then.
Oh an Englishman! :D You have some pretty castles there too, so I will try to share here as well.^^
Haha, well HTC is also an interesting brand. :3 I should have bought that one (the best model), but I decided to wait a little until they got a new one, so that I still could get the best there. XD
Awh, well you can now finally be able to have camera everywhere where you go.^^
I know, it is really great!! ^_^
We shall definitely catch others here anyway. Being busy a little harder, but still..^^
*looks and thinks* Backpack might be good, buuut...
*takes out a van* Put this on your back it does wonders!! 8D
So it is actually good? I mean the brand that you bought, is it he worth the price?
Because I am recommending one for my friend here Josephine and she wants to buy one and I know that I remembered that you bought a Bamboo type one so I got interested. :3
Haha I did that as well! :D
I just downloaded and watched Bleach movie 4. WOW, it is SO good! :O You should watch it too!!!! *nods nods*^^
I'm afraid to add up all the hours of my life spent at high school. I often think that I cannot really enjoy my life doing other things because school always keeps me busy.
My math teacher just throws notes on the board and then gives us work and expects us to know everything! He's crazy.
I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls <3
YEP... make the best of it =D
*creepy head pops out* "You better" says the spooky floating head
Yep no castles here =3=
OMG thats so cool that your like used to castles!
yay pictures XD
Thats so nice of your dad XD
My dad and mom dont have cellphones, and im thinking when my plans over m gonna get rid of mine so i can save all my money XD or just spend it all on other stuff XD
Last edited by swizzledhazelnut at 9:46:34 PM CDT on September 4, 2011.
Ohhh yes. I am prepared for it
*holds backpack in front of her*
Just in case it attacks.....xD
My tablet is doing very good~
I accidentally stabbed my arm with the pen. Ouch Dx The little thing that sticks out of it it sharp! Dx
But either than that, doing good ^^'
Hahaa xD
I have it on DVD too
.........Speaking of that.......
*grabs DVD player*
Gonna watch some random anime movies now xD
My school year is destined to such. Every fun even if I have, I forget it later, because.. well it wasn't that much of a fun, right? XD Haha kidding, I will try to make the best I can there.^^
Really? LoL, we have so many castles here, it is getting usual for me. But still I will try to upload some.^^
Aw, sorry to hear that.. I am also lucky for my father being in the position of that company that he is. And also him being humble and modest, he never cares what he has or what he wears. I always have better stuff than him because he just gives everything he gets. XD So I traded phones with him. :3
But you never know, wait a little and you might find one to buy there.^^
*looks at you with a grin and a smooth smile* You know, I actually wouldn't do that.. but for some reason my hand alone goes for that mouse to check those post. Sorry, but nothing that I can do. ;D
So you would like to see them? I will try to include some of them (I could have taken so much better pictures.. if only my mom wasn't so hurrying and not being brave XD) good ones that I find of course.^^
Haha, well Ipod is similar in a way. Though with phone I can not only watch, but also call.. which doesn't give me much, but ah well. :3 (though being a smart phone, these days there are used mostly for everything and not for calling LoL).
Thank you!^^
I'm going to tell you right now, mister, when on a half-hiatus, you really don't have to worry about any of my posts/works/PMs, ANYTHING. Just do what you need to do. :3 I know how busy school can get unfortunately xD!
I can't wait to see the pictures that you took! It all sounded so beautiful just from the PM you sent me. ;w;
And you are so lucky! I wish I could watch anime off my phone. ;w; Ahah, I do have my ipod, but it's just not as cool. Enjoy your mobile though! :3
Suffering in high school? Sorry to hear that.. Definitely do everything you can to not feel like that.
And yup I am. The nearest college is quite far away so I will go again quite away than I live now. Maybe closer a little, but I will see.
True, going somewhere also has its positive things.^^
Going to college? Sounds like fun. I can't wait for college! I'm suffering here in High School. And moving to another city means moving to a new school, having new friends, it would be great. :D
I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls <3
I will try to follow peoples latest updates and try to do something things hopefully.. I will see how it will go.^^
Oh, well you still have some few days to enjoy here a little. :)
Yeah, must be the best time to get one I guess. :P Ah come on, I am sure that you still got a pretty good one there and that it does its job.^^
I would love if I had wi-fi here and not only 3G. 3G is fast but SO expensive it is not even funny. XD
Well actually the main point in school is to learn, but thanks I know what you mean. :)
I wish you all the luck there as well~!! :D
Haha, wow that was quite a story there! :D So you changed so many models there? Pretty nice, you never was bored in finding the right one for ya? But careful with changing your mobiles, other ones might get jealous and angry (like with changing boyfriend or girlfriend, just... that this doesn't have to do with it not even a bit XDD).^^
Still the one that you have now is pretty nice, so keep on it for quite a while.. Until you find a new Sony Ericsson again. XP
Yup, you really went through all the trouble of finding all that. You are awesomely annoying! ;D I will definitely always keep that in mind.^^
Half-Hiatus sounds good to me-at least you'll be on some of the time....though, I'm not quite sure I'll be able to come on that often either. I don't start school until the 12, so I've still got a while. :)
It seems a lot of people are getting new mobiles in the summer (I got my fist one this year too). It's not some super high tech fancy one like yours XD, but I think, it does the job I need it for (it does have Wi-fi) so I can visit theO whenever I want ^_^
Anyways, have fun at school (that's the main point ne?)
And always stirve to do your best (though, you probably already do that naturally)
Talk to you soon,
Goes to count... Think I changed 5? I remembered one more , so 6.
That's interesting, you also changed many. I can't remember what my first was, but it was also very big (brat bi rekao da je to kapula XD ne znam je li vi imate taj izraz (znam da znas sto je kapula ali u tom smislu)). Second one was Sony Ericsson C510 , and for some reason I really loved that one . (we still have it, but it's not mine anymore. Long story xD). 3rd and 4th were both old , one of them was Sony Ericsson T630 , and other idk.I would have only one of them, but after some time me and brother switched, so I had both for some time. 5th was Sony Ericsson C905, I liked that one because it had a good camera . I had it for a short time because uncle decided to buy me the one I have now^^ (and we still have that one too ). As you can see , I mostly had Sony Ericssons ^^. Haha, annoying right back at ya . And I went to all the trouble to actually find what models I had xD
Thank you :) you can o the same thing, you know :3
Yay, then that means that you already have some experience from it. :D
Well I didn't manage to do everything I planed and also lost some things, but then again there were some good ones, so it is all good.^^
Oh the next summer is going to be even more annoying. Moving to another city, going to college and stuff like that.. But I shall survive, yush! XD
Aww, what a nice story.. For that I wouldn't want now to trade my phone even more, because your one holds many memories and emotions *nods nods* :)
I am glad that you finally got one well there and that you managed to be just with a really bad ones before.
The wait was finally cherished and yay for your awesome grandma! ^_^
Hm, sounds like it really was... Wait, how many mobiles have you changed again? xD I remember the ones that I had. I first had one big motorola. Oh that one was like a phone. Then I had a Nokia. It was I think Nokia 3320, black and white screen and stuff as well. Then I finally got a Samsung, but it was bad and couldn't transfer any data. So I got Nokia which was even worse (only had 3mb of memory, what?! XD), then I got Sony Ericsson K800i and after four year finally this.^^
So why have I told you this long story. Just because I like to annoy you. *starts running* XP
Don't worry at all about school, it will fine you'll see.^^ Haha, of course. Never forget that, okay? :)
I'm on half-hiatus too!
I just bought a new mobile too, but not Samsung. Oh sorry to hear your Summer break was disappointing. I hope next year will be awesome. :D
I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls <3
I know you're not kidding xD. It was the same for me, I had a really old one before, so I needed time to get used to this one^^ (it's weird in my house with all mobiles... I had an ok one, than a very good one, than a really old one, and a even older one, and now this XD) Hehe , bet that was confusing.
I'm even more worried about the school year. But it will be ok somehow ^^ and if I'm feeling bad (or bored) I can always spam you with messages XD
Sure we do!! :D Now I can tease you there, hehe. :3 Kidding, but I do need time to get comforted with this one. It is a lot different than the one I had, but I am getting the hang of it. xD
Sorry to hear that your was not well too.. But hey, it still was nice right and your new school year will be better as well! ^_^
Aw, sorry to hear that.. You know I would send you this one, if I didn't like it that much. XD
Haha, ah come on, the one you have is pretty good too! :D And besides you are getting new stuff there, so gotta be careful with the money.^^
Mind Reader (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/04/11 | Reply
Yay!! We have similar phones now! Mine is Samsung Galaxy Ace (I'm on it right now). Yours is better :) And sorry to hear that your summer break was a bit dissapointing. So was mine , but not in everything. Few things were very nice :D
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/10/11 | Reply
So in the end everything went fine? Good to hear that, your dad seems awesome. :D
Oh, in school everything is fine for now.^^ *nods* I am a lot busy, but other than that fine. :)
How about you? :3
Grand Otaku | Posted 09/09/11 | Reply
Yea i know its freaky!
Its so bad ass!
But i felt so amazing cause my dad paid the bill awww yay >3<
I just paid it off today and we went there like i think 2 days before but we couldn't pay, cause my phone was suspended xO
Lol but yea i guess we are in different countries so it is diffrent =X
Oh yea hows the school life going ?
Last edited by swizzledhazelnut at 11:32:42 PM CDT on September 9, 2011.
King of LLamas (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/09/11 | Reply
Yess~ Life wouldn't be the same without a van xD
I think that they are a really good brand.
I'm not too sure if they just make tablets or other technology stuff xD
But I do hope your friends likes the tablet~ :D
Yess!!! Waiting is too long xD
C yaz!! ^U^
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/09/11 | Reply
Waaah, how can you get that large bill?! XD Seriously, watch out there, it is dangerous. :P
On an average I spend about 15 dollars per month, not including internet (but how much it is expensive I don't use it XP).
But then again, we live in different countries and the payment is probably also much different.^^
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/09/11 | Reply
@Blue Latte:
I understand you completely, believe me. I also had teachers in my dreams... XD
But seriously. I remember my Latin teacher, then some other ones.. Wow, it worse than some classic nightmares! LoL!
But hey, I also try to reduce stress as much as possible. It is all in our head and what we believe. We have to try to alter that!
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/09/11 | Reply
Yes, and do you know what that means? You have to buy one, pronto!! LoL! XD
Good to know! ^_^ I already said to her that you bought it and that you like it and also heard recommendation from some other people, so it seems that Bamboo is the best choice for that quality tablets.^^ Also thanks on the advice, also watch out there. ~xD
Haha, well you can't wait another year, now can you? We have to watch it when it comes!!! :D
Grand Otaku | Posted 09/05/11 | Reply
lol creepy heads are totally amazing! xD
Lol yea they must be quite old! But thats kinda cool =D
actaully i donught its the best thing to do, but then i hate sending money, i went to the mall to pay for my phone today, to find out my account got suspened and my bill was 121$ D'x
WAH! but then i guess its okay kinda =P
Blue Latte
Curious Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/05/11 | Reply
Thank you. Yes, I do understand that. XD
Lol, actually school is making me depressed and I'm getting stressed. Even my teachers keep showing up in my dreams.
Last night I had a dream about my chem teacher. He gave me an exam and I failed at it. It was so hard, I couldn't remember the formulas. And then he laughed so hard until he cried.
I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls <3
King of LLamas (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/05/11 | Reply
Oh yess, vans. Gotta love them xD
Oh yes~!!! Definitely worth it~!!!!!
If she buys it, make sure that she installs it properly.
That's how i kept on getting that blue screen-thing popping up. I accidentally blocked the software so the Tablet didn't work properly ^^'
But it is worth it! :D
I have watched it and it's amazing~!!!! 8D
I usually wait for movies to come out in English, but I just had to watch to now x'D
C yaz!! ^^
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/05/11 | Reply
@Blue Latte:
High school and school in general is important for us, you probably understand that.
I am sure that you are quite a good student there because you don't have much free time like you say.
BUT, if you throw away that time at some silly and so called fun things, you are going to miss and not feel well yourself later, right?
And besides, I am sure that you still manage to do many things. Take a look at your graphic skills there, you are pretty good and I am sure that you enjoy in that. :)
However also remember this.. Don't overdo yourself and don't stress too much! While school is important it is not worth all that if you go beyond limits.
Last edited by LightFykki at 9:15:37 AM CDT on September 5, 2011.
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/05/11 | Reply
I will, muhahaha!!! :DD
Hehe, that creepy looking head sounds fun. :3
Castles are quite nice... and old. xD Sorry that you don't have any there.. ;w;
Yup, after a while you get used to it, but it is still nice seeing them.^^
If you think that's the best, then definitely go for it then.
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/05/11 | Reply
Oh an Englishman! :D You have some pretty castles there too, so I will try to share here as well.^^
Haha, well HTC is also an interesting brand. :3 I should have bought that one (the best model), but I decided to wait a little until they got a new one, so that I still could get the best there. XD
Awh, well you can now finally be able to have camera everywhere where you go.^^
I know, it is really great!! ^_^
We shall definitely catch others here anyway. Being busy a little harder, but still..^^
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/05/11 | Reply
@Bluemoon Halo:
School even keeps a hamster busy. o_o *totally random joke XD*
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/05/11 | Reply
*looks and thinks* Backpack might be good, buuut...
*takes out a van* Put this on your back it does wonders!! 8D
So it is actually good? I mean the brand that you bought, is it he worth the price?
Because I am recommending one for my friend here Josephine and she wants to buy one and I know that I remembered that you bought a Bamboo type one so I got interested. :3
Haha I did that as well! :D
I just downloaded and watched Bleach movie 4. WOW, it is SO good! :O You should watch it too!!!! *nods nods*^^
Blue Latte
Curious Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/04/11 | Reply
I'm afraid to add up all the hours of my life spent at high school. I often think that I cannot really enjoy my life doing other things because school always keeps me busy.
My math teacher just throws notes on the board and then gives us work and expects us to know everything! He's crazy.
I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls <3
Grand Otaku | Posted 09/04/11 | Reply
YEP... make the best of it =D
*creepy head pops out* "You better" says the spooky floating head
Yep no castles here =3=
OMG thats so cool that your like used to castles!
yay pictures XD
Thats so nice of your dad XD
My dad and mom dont have cellphones, and im thinking when my plans over m gonna get rid of mine so i can save all my money XD or just spend it all on other stuff XD
Last edited by swizzledhazelnut at 9:46:34 PM CDT on September 4, 2011.
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/04/11 | Reply
Castles are cool! If you ever do post pictures, i'd love to see one of a castle!
Oooh yay for the new phone! I love my HTC <333 I'm still finding it exciting that is has a camera and video recorder on it XD my old phone didn't...
Princess Mononoke is great! I love it!
Well, take care, and i'll catch up with you when you are around. Seems we are both busy, huh?
Bluemoon Halo
Otakuite++ | Posted 09/04/11 | Reply
I know what you mean school keeps you busy XD!
King of LLamas (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/04/11 | Reply
Ohhh yes. I am prepared for it
*holds backpack in front of her*
Just in case it attacks.....xD
My tablet is doing very good~
I accidentally stabbed my arm with the pen. Ouch Dx The little thing that sticks out of it it sharp! Dx
But either than that, doing good ^^'
Hahaa xD
I have it on DVD too
.........Speaking of that.......
*grabs DVD player*
Gonna watch some random anime movies now xD
C yaz!!
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/04/11 | Reply
My school year is destined to such. Every fun even if I have, I forget it later, because.. well it wasn't that much of a fun, right? XD Haha kidding, I will try to make the best I can there.^^
Really? LoL, we have so many castles here, it is getting usual for me. But still I will try to upload some.^^
Aw, sorry to hear that.. I am also lucky for my father being in the position of that company that he is. And also him being humble and modest, he never cares what he has or what he wears. I always have better stuff than him because he just gives everything he gets. XD So I traded phones with him. :3
But you never know, wait a little and you might find one to buy there.^^
Have a wonderful day as well!!
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/04/11 | Reply
*looks at you with a grin and a smooth smile* You know, I actually wouldn't do that.. but for some reason my hand alone goes for that mouse to check those post. Sorry, but nothing that I can do. ;D
So you would like to see them? I will try to include some of them (I could have taken so much better pictures.. if only my mom wasn't so hurrying and not being brave XD) good ones that I find of course.^^
Haha, well Ipod is similar in a way. Though with phone I can not only watch, but also call.. which doesn't give me much, but ah well. :3 (though being a smart phone, these days there are used mostly for everything and not for calling LoL).
Thank you!^^
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/04/11 | Reply
It seems that someone is quite ready for it! :D *looks at you*
Haha, thanks.^^ It was quite pricey though.. Wait a moment now you remembered me. How is your tablet doing? :O
Thanks, it was quite a fun in a way. :)
Yup, I got to see it, muahahahha!! >D Though I have it on DVD, but ah well... X3
Grand Otaku | Posted 09/04/11 | Reply
lol yay school xP
hope the school year isnt that busy =)
And have fun at school cause then the hole years gonna suck >3<
WOW! i wanna see pictures... when i hear castles i think AWEZOME! xD
Lucky i always wanted a smart phone but i go for the best cheap deal i can find =P
I dont have much money =3=
~~~~~~~have a wonderful day =D~~~~~~
Primadonna (Otaku Legend) | Posted 09/04/11 | Reply
I'm going to tell you right now, mister, when on a half-hiatus, you really don't have to worry about any of my posts/works/PMs, ANYTHING. Just do what you need to do. :3 I know how busy school can get
unfortunately xD!I can't wait to see the pictures that you took! It all sounded so beautiful just from the PM you sent me. ;w;
And you are so lucky! I wish I could watch anime off my phone. ;w; Ahah, I do have my ipod, but it's just not as cool. Enjoy your mobile though! :3
I am Delin! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/04/11 | Reply
heh you better not!!
Don't lose the moon while counting the stars
King of LLamas (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/04/11 | Reply
Ah yes, school. That'll be attacking me in 2 more days Dx
Nice phone!!!!
Oly cow! That's cool that you got one of those!! xD
Sounds like you had fun on your trip! ^U^
I'm glad you had fun :3
And that's also very cool that you got to see Princess Mononoke on TV~!!!
C yaz!! C:
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/04/11 | Reply
Thank you, I shall not fail you, my master! >:3
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/04/11 | Reply
Aw, no worries. I will come here now and then when I find time.^^
And thanks, I will try my best there. :D
Really? Well I will see and maybe I will put some later on here. :3
Thanks I will try to do something with that wi-fi here. X3
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/04/11 | Reply
@Blue Latte:
Suffering in high school? Sorry to hear that.. Definitely do everything you can to not feel like that.
And yup I am. The nearest college is quite far away so I will go again quite away than I live now. Maybe closer a little, but I will see.
True, going somewhere also has its positive things.^^
I am Delin! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/04/11 | Reply
good luck with your edumacation!!
go all nindog on em and make me proud >3
Don't lose the moon while counting the stars
Blue Latte
Curious Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/04/11 | Reply
Going to college? Sounds like fun. I can't wait for college! I'm suffering here in High School. And moving to another city means moving to a new school, having new friends, it would be great. :D
I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls <3
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/04/11 | Reply
I will try to follow peoples latest updates and try to do something things hopefully.. I will see how it will go.^^
Oh, well you still have some few days to enjoy here a little. :)
Yeah, must be the best time to get one I guess. :P Ah come on, I am sure that you still got a pretty good one there and that it does its job.^^
I would love if I had wi-fi here and not only 3G. 3G is fast but SO expensive it is not even funny. XD
Well actually the main point in school is to learn, but thanks I know what you mean. :)
I wish you all the luck there as well~!! :D
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/04/11 | Reply
I will, no worries.^^
Thank you~!
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/04/11 | Reply
Haha, wow that was quite a story there! :D So you changed so many models there? Pretty nice, you never was bored in finding the right one for ya? But careful with changing your mobiles, other ones might get jealous and angry (like with changing boyfriend or girlfriend, just... that this doesn't have to do with it not even a bit XDD).^^
Still the one that you have now is pretty nice, so keep on it for quite a while.. Until you find a new Sony Ericsson again. XP
Yup, you really went through all the trouble of finding all that. You are awesomely annoying! ;D
I will definitely always keep that in mind.^^ItachiSasuke
Administrator | Posted 09/04/11 | Reply
Half-Hiatus sounds good to me-at least you'll be on some of the time....though, I'm not quite sure I'll be able to come on that often either. I don't start school until the 12, so I've still got a while. :)
It seems a lot of people are getting new mobiles in the summer (I got my fist one this year too). It's not some super high tech fancy one like yours XD, but I think, it does the job I need it for (it does have Wi-fi) so I can visit theO whenever I want ^_^
Anyways, have fun at school (that's the main point ne?)
And always stirve to do your best (though, you probably already do that naturally)
Talk to you soon,
Find a reason to smile
Senior Otaku | Posted 09/04/11 | Reply
Come back soon~ :3
Good luck with schoooooool! ^^
Mind Reader (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/04/11 | Reply
Goes to count... Think I changed 5? I remembered one more , so 6.
That's interesting, you also changed many. I can't remember what my first was, but it was also very big (brat bi rekao da je to kapula XD ne znam je li vi imate taj izraz (znam da znas sto je kapula ali u tom smislu)). Second one was Sony Ericsson C510 , and for some reason I really loved that one . (we still have it, but it's not mine anymore. Long story xD). 3rd and 4th were both old , one of them was Sony Ericsson T630 , and other idk.I would have only one of them, but after some time me and brother switched, so I had both for some time. 5th was Sony Ericsson C905, I liked that one because it had a good camera . I had it for a short time because uncle decided to buy me the one I have now^^ (and we still have that one too ). As you can see , I mostly had Sony Ericssons ^^. Haha, annoying right back at ya . And I went to all the trouble to actually find what models I had xD
Thank you :)
you can o the same thing, you know :3LightFykki
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/04/11 | Reply
@Blue Latte:
Yay, then that means that you already have some experience from it. :D
Well I didn't manage to do everything I planed and also lost some things, but then again there were some good ones, so it is all good.^^
Oh the next summer is going to be even more annoying. Moving to another city, going to college and stuff like that.. But I shall survive, yush! XD
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/04/11 | Reply
Aww, what a nice story.. For that I wouldn't want now to trade my phone even more, because your one holds many memories and emotions *nods nods* :)
I am glad that you finally got one well there and that you managed to be just with a really bad ones before.
The wait was finally cherished and yay for your awesome grandma! ^_^
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/04/11 | Reply
Hm, sounds like it really was... Wait, how many mobiles have you changed again? xD I remember the ones that I had. I first had one big motorola. Oh that one was like a phone. Then I had a Nokia. It was I think Nokia 3320, black and white screen and stuff as well. Then I finally got a Samsung, but it was bad and couldn't transfer any data. So I got Nokia which was even worse (only had 3mb of memory, what?! XD), then I got Sony Ericsson K800i and after four year finally this.^^
So why have I told you this long story. Just because I like to annoy you. *starts running* XP
Don't worry at all about school, it will fine you'll see.^^
Haha, of course. Never forget that, okay? :)Blue Latte
Curious Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/04/11 | Reply
I'm on half-hiatus too!
I just bought a new mobile too, but not Samsung. Oh sorry to hear your Summer break was disappointing. I hope next year will be awesome. :D
I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/04/11 | Reply
Hahaha... that Champ is one of my graduation gifts (and its from my grandmother!)... so its very special.
Its also my very first colored screen phone ever! All my life, I was stuck with a Nokia 1112... even until my fourth year high school...
I really cherish my Samsung Champ
Mind Reader (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/04/11 | Reply
I know you're not kidding xD. It was the same for me, I had a really old one before, so I needed time to get used to this one^^ (it's weird in my house with all mobiles... I had an ok one, than a very good one, than a really old one, and a even older one, and now this XD) Hehe , bet that was confusing.
I'm even more worried about the school year. But it will be ok somehow ^^
and if I'm feeling bad (or bored) I can always spam you with messages XDLightFykki
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/04/11 | Reply
Sure we do!! :D Now I can tease you there, hehe. :3 Kidding, but I do need time to get comforted with this one. It is a lot different than the one I had, but I am getting the hang of it. xD
Sorry to hear that your was not well too.. But hey, it still was nice right and your new school year will be better as well! ^_^
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/04/11 | Reply
Aw, sorry to hear that.. You know I would send you this one, if I didn't like it that much. XD
Haha, ah come on, the one you have is pretty good too! :D And besides you are getting new stuff there, so gotta be careful with the money.^^
Mind Reader (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/04/11 | Reply
Yay!! We have similar phones now! Mine is Samsung Galaxy Ace (I'm on it right now). Yours is better :) And sorry to hear that your summer break was a bit dissapointing. So was mine , but not in everything. Few things were very nice :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/04/11 | Reply
That Samsung was what I wanted :'(
But since we're too poor, I can only afford the Champ one. Its actually nice as well :)
Four year hiatus, baby!