Hah, maybe I will make the next post which will make more sense. Maybe... :P
You understood well.^^ Which anime and what 'auto' and why that remains to be explained, haha.
Ah yes, you are right. It is shinbun and not shinbu. :)
Well of course that you would understand everything. Not to spoil by the explanation, but I started again learning Japanese and I am going back with the steps that I already have taken. These are basically first lessens or so.
Mind Reader (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/09/12 | Reply
Haha it really didn't make much sense x3.
But from what I've understood, you have watched an anime and maybe...vozio auto? :)
Also, there is a random Japanese sentence, and I am proud to say I understood almost everything (only didn't get one word)....And the only word I couldn't get the meaning of, I think you wrote it incorrectly xP (shinbu=depth according to google, and I think you meant shinbun=newspaper). Sorry for correcting you, I'm annoying like that xD
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/09/12 | Reply
Not to worry, it is not something that you should be bothered anyways. xD
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/09/12 | Reply
Hah, maybe I will make the next post which will make more sense. Maybe... :P
You understood well.^^ Which anime and what 'auto' and why that remains to be explained, haha.
Ah yes, you are right. It is shinbun and not shinbu. :)
Well of course that you would understand everything. Not to spoil by the explanation, but I started again learning Japanese and I am going back with the steps that I already have taken. These are basically first lessens or so.
Mind Reader (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/09/12 | Reply
Haha it really didn't make much sense x3.
But from what I've understood, you have watched an anime and maybe...vozio auto? :)
Also, there is a random Japanese sentence, and I am proud to say I understood almost everything (only didn't get one word)....And the only word I couldn't get the meaning of, I think you wrote it incorrectly xP (shinbu=depth according to google, and I think you meant shinbun=newspaper). Sorry for correcting you, I'm annoying like that xD