This is my world where I put my fan words...I have many, many OCs, so here's a list of a few of my most used ones.

Sugami Sikora (Naruto)
Age: 15
He's actually not mine...he's Firefox's. Sugami
is an orphaned guy with a harem and a phoenix demon
inside of him. He's on a team with Olimea and Lotus
and is pretty much pwnsome.

Olimea Akasuna (Naruto)
Age: 16
As her name suggests, Olimea is Sasori's baby sister
and a puppet mistress. She's great eye candy but has
a massive crush on Kankuro. She gets along with Sugami,
but she can't stand Lotus.

Lotus Hamikiche (Naruto)
Age: 15
Lotus is the Leaf's resident party girl. She makes a
bunch of stupid mistakes, and like her sister, is a
huge skank-o-la, but is smarter than people give her credit
for, and is a wicked awesome archer.

Ryoko Umiyami (Death Note)
Age: Unknown, but probably in her teens/twenties
L's partner, in both senses of the word, Ryoko is incapable
of loving. Her many years of killing and being isolated from
people have left her cold and heartless. She's an excellent
detective and super-smart. She's also really pretty, but don't
tell her that.

Viola (Death Note)
Age: 19
Viola (pronounced VIola, not VEEola) grew up at Wammy's
House with Mello and Matt, therefore making her very
close to both of them. Is one of Mello's accomplices and,
before that, sang for a living. (Hence the musical name.)

Goku (Death Note)
Age: 19
On neither L's nor Kira's side, Goku is a bounty hunter
who has a soft spot in his heart for Mello. He's as close
to being Ryoko's 'friend' as anyone could possibly get.

Haven (Death Note)
Age: 20
Hates L and wants to kill him. Not exactly on Kira's side,
however...he doesn't care about Kira at all. He just wants L
and Ryoko to die...preferably a bloody and painful death.

Saier (Death Note)
Age: 21
Haven's partner and best friend. Wants to kill L and Kira, but
wants Ryoko alive because of her detective skills and immense

Mizu Amenatsa (OHSHC)
Age: 14
The extroverted half of the Amenatsa twins and one of the Host
Club's best clients. Frequently requests Hikaru. One of the few
non-Host students who know's Haruhi's secret.

Kasumi Amenatsa (OHSHC)
Age: 14
The introverted Amenatsa twin. Doesn't visit the Host Club
much, but when she does, she requests Kaoru. Another one of
the few non-Hosts who know Haruhi's secret.

Soren (OHSHC)
Age: 14
The newest Host and one of Haruhi's friends. Doesn't like either
set of twins, but can tolerate Kasumi. Knows Haruhi's secret and
competes with Tamaki for her affection.

I think that's it...

The Years Before: Intro

sunachick: Ahem *clears throat* Right. I thought it'd be fun if I shared the young lives of the Naruto kids and my OCs. There might be some stuff in here that--
Olimea: *cuts me off* If you EVER say ANYTHING about that little incident at my eighth birthday I will KILL YOU.
sunachick: Actually, Limi-chan, I wasn't going to, but now that you mention it...*ignores death glare* Anyway, there is some stuff that they DEFINITELY won't want you to know about--I'll put that in too.
Naruto: So what're you gonna start with?
sunachick: Not sure yet, I'm sure I'll come up with something.
Shikamaru: Why don't you start with...*whispers something to sunachick*?
sunachick: *blushes*
Momoko: ...Suna-chan...what did Shika tell you?! I swear to God it's not true!
sunachick: Relax, Momoko, it had nothing to do with you.
Momoko: *whew*
sunachick: Temari, on the other hand...
Temari: *gasps* Who told you?!
Shikamaru: Kankuro.
Temari: *death glare*
Kankuro: ...Err...Onii-chan, I can explain! He--he gave me German chocolate cake!
Lotus: I was there. And it wasn't just one piece--it was the whole friggin' cake.
Ino: Oh! Oh! Suna-san, why don't you tell them about *whisper whisper*?
sunachick: Hmm. That is a good story. But we'd have to ask Chouji.
Chouji: If this is about that one dodgeball game...
Ino/sunachick: It totally is.
Chouji: Will you buy me chips?
sunachick: Yes.
Chouji: Fine.
Ino/sunachick: *high-five*
Neji: What happened at Olimea's eighth birthday?
sunachick: Well, she...
Olimea: RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRR!!!!! *jumps on sunachick*


sunachick: Ow...yeah, that's the basic plot of this one, so...I'll post this as I go! Thanks for reading!

Sakura Fest! Part 2: Odd Conversation With Lotus and Kankuro

"Oh, LORD, Lotus, you dragged me out of bed at an unholy hour and now we're STOPPING?!" Sugami moaned.
Lotus grinned over her shoulder at him. "Chill out, Sikora--oops, you CAN'T! Ahahahahahaha! 'Cause you're a PHOENIX, get it?!"
Sugami picked up an acorn and chucked it at her. "Shut up. Why are we stopping?"
"Ow...I'm gonna get Kankuro, remember? I tried to tell you but you were, like, half asleep!" She ran up the walkway to Kankuro's house. After she went inside, Sugami stood outside...and waited...and waited...and grew a beard...and shaved the beard...and then...
"Not until you get outta bed, you lazy blob!"
Sugami chuckled. Those two acted like an old married couple. Funny thing was, they were fifteen, not a couple, and definitely not getting married.
Sugami was pondering walking home and leaving them there to quarrel and go to the Sakura Festival without him when Kankuro stormed out of the house with Lotus in tow.
"You didn't have to threaten to light my puppet on fire... and it's not like the festival is going anywhere..."
"Well, it was the only way you were gonna get your blobby butt outta bed! And the festival's only here for one week!"
"Yeah, but it's only seven! And my butt is not blobby!"
"It's gonna take us a good two hours to walk there. And YES IT IS."
"Hey, here's a crazy idea!" Sugami exclaimed. "Why don't we just DRIVE?!"
Lotus suddenly looked sheepish. "I...uh...kinda crashed my car..." she faltered, playing with her nails.
Kankuro and Sugami both shouted in unison "AGAIN?!"
Lotus raised her hands defensively. "Hey, it wasn't my fault this time! That old lady cut me off and I was going seventy-five!"
"What was the speed limit?"
"Umm..." Lotus began. "Forty?"
Kankuro smacked his forehead. "Geez, Lotus," he groaned. "No wonder you got your license taken away!"
Lotus glared at him. "Well, at least I have a license, Mister I-Failed-My-Driver's-Test-for-the-Fifteenth-Time! And walking will do your blobby butt some good!"
"I told you, Lotus, MY BUTT. IS NOT. BLOBBY!!!!!"
Sugami was, again, seriously thinking about walking home and letting them fight over Lotus's driving abilities and the blobbiness of Kankuro's butt when he saw Worri walking down the street. He zoomed over.
"Hiya, Worri!"
"Oh, hello, Sugami!" She smiled at him. "So, what're you doing here?"
"I'm going to Sakura Festival with Lotus and Kankuro."
" that them over there screaming at each other?"
"Err..." Sugami glanced over at where Lotus was screeching some very crude accusations of Temari's decency. "Yeeeeah..."
Worri giggled a little. "Mind if I come with? It'd be the most interesting thing that's happened all week."
Well, why not? Sugami thought. I can't keep the peace between them myself...
