Hey everybody! You can post anything you want here as long as its APPROPRIATE. I also post my random/personal things here. So, if you wanna be a guest poster here, just PM me and ill add you ^^ Can't wait to see all you guys on here.
You can also find me on DeviantArt- www.animeotaku99.deviantart.com Dont be afraud to PM me and we can talk there too ^^
- Created By skullrose99
Cosplay List :D
Well, since im starting a cosplay group with some friends of mine, I decide to make a list of who'd I like to cosplay as. Here goes :D
- Sollux Captor
- Dave Strider
- Gamzee Makara
- Maka Albarn
- Crona
- Italy Veneciano (I dont think I spelled that right XD)
- Grelle Sutcliffe
And thats all i got so far. I cant wait to get started with all this cosplay :D