Hey everybody! You can post anything you want here as long as its APPROPRIATE. I also post my random/personal things here. So, if you wanna be a guest poster here, just PM me and ill add you ^^ Can't wait to see all you guys on here.
You can also find me on DeviantArt- www.animeotaku99.deviantart.com Dont be afraud to PM me and we can talk there too ^^

Nan Desu Kan in Denver

Well, I said i was going last year, but i didn;t. But this year I really am, I've been working so hard saving all my money ANywya, I'm finally going to my first anime con in Denver, SO EXCITED :D I'll be cosplaying as Miku Hatsune ^^ Anybody going? Anybody got tips for a young otaku at her first con? :D
