Hey everybody! You can post anything you want here as long as its APPROPRIATE. I also post my random/personal things here. So, if you wanna be a guest poster here, just PM me and ill add you ^^ Can't wait to see all you guys on here.
You can also find me on DeviantArt- www.animeotaku99.deviantart.com Dont be afraud to PM me and we can talk there too ^^
- Created By skullrose99
The Baka Song
Anyone heard of the Baka song? if you know what baka means, thats good XD. I'm hooked on this song cuz its funny. And i could really imagine myself singing this to my friend XD. You'll get it if you've heard it, or if you even know what baka means XD. If you don't know what baka means, just ask me in the comments or PM me or whatever you want XD. Baka is a japanese word. thats just a hint. XD