Woot woot
It's that time again! It's the Olympics!!! Yay!!!! And to celebrate I made a wallpaper for it which I must say is great! I love the mascots this year So cute I'm really getting the hang of this Photoshop thing.
Anyways today is a nothing day. I'll watch the Olympics, go on computer, Go on Wii. That's about it really.
I love the new feature that TheO posted! I always hated having to delte my comment then type it all over again But now I can just edit it which is great
Happy BC Day everyone!!!!
It was so cool today because me and my mom and lil sis where walking downtown and the Snowbirds started flying around!!!! It was AWESOME!!!! They were so noisy though.
Here are some things I love about BC:
1. I love the scenery. Everythings so pretty here
2. The wildlife!!! So cute and cuddly.
3. Curious Comics!!! Our #1 anime store.
4. Don't mind our Minister much....
5. The nice people????
Lols and that's all I could think of off the top of my head
Bye now