Konichiwa mina,
I haven't posted a questions for a while now and it's because I couldn't think of any. I'm sorry, if you have been waiting so patiently for one! But anyways, I hope you like this question.
Today's questions will be:
Would you like to be in an anime?
MY ANSWER: Definitely! I would love to to be an anime girl. <3 The story lines in an anime are so fantastic and I'm so eager to take part in the fun as well! XD Also, I would love to be friends with the people in the anime, and cooperate with them as we go on. :)
I'm looking forward to your answers~! ^^
Konichiwa mina,
I thought about posting a question based on St.Patricks day :). Since I did that last time when it was Valentines day if you guys remember. If you don't get this question, it actually means "Who is your favorite anime character?" Lame xD I just tried putting lucky in there so it makes it seem more St.Patrickish. x)
Today's question will be:
Who is your lucky character?
(NOTE: Like myself, you can name more than 1 character.)
MY ANSWER: I will name a couple since I can't name only one. (Because for me, that's pretty much impossible.) xD As some of you know, I love Zero Kiryu from Vampire Knight, I also really like Ueki from The Law of Ueki because of his amazing personality. And the last one I can name is Kuze Kiriha from Fortune Arterial. She is so awesome. :3
Looking forward to seeing your answers~
Konichiwa Mina,
Ugh, I have been so busy lately, I couldn't even find time to post. I can't believe I haven't posted for so long. D: Gomenesai, mina. Anyways, I noticed that I haven't posted a question that starts with a "why" and so I thought it might be interesting.
Today's question will be:
Why do you take interest in anime?
MY ANSWER: One of the reasons that I take interest in anime is because of the art. It's very unique, because of it's big cute eyes and how they draw them is great. Many anime have very great story lines. In fact, everyone one of them does. (It's just that I don't like ALL of them.) XD
Leave your answers in the comments~
Konichiwa Mina,
Time for another question! ^^ This question didn't take so much time to think about and it pretty much had been stuck in my head all day! XD But anyways,
Today's questions will be:
What is the first anime you ever watched?
(NOTE: First name your first one, and then you can name the other ones.)
MY ANSWER: As you might know or might not know, I discovered anime when I was 6. I liked the cuteness of the characters like their big eyes. ^^ The first anime I EVER watched was anime called "Onegai My Melody." I'm not sure if many people know this anime, but I really enjoyed it! The second anime I watched was....I think it was..Sailor Moon! I love that show. *_*
[P.S I'm not sure if any of you are annoyed by it, but my posts are very long! Sorry if you hate the fact that they're long. x3]
Leave your answers in the comments~
Konichiwa Mina,
Hey everyone! I haven't posted a question for so long...I'm sorry. I've been busy with School lately that I haven't been even able to think of another question! >o< Sorry about that!
today's question will be:
Which anime character is your Idol?
(NOTE: It can be more than 1 character.)
MY ANSWER: There are so many anime characters that I look up to, and wish to become someone like them one day. But if I had to choose at least 2, then it would have to be Yuuichi from Kanon and Hinata from Angel Beats. They're both very inspirational and brave.
Leave your answers in the comments~