Hey guys!
Today, I've got another question for you. ^^ On my SweeTea's CoffeeShop world, I posted that if you have any questions in mind that you would like posted here, then you can PM me! And I've got some already. :) This is one is created by Keba Si Rota.
Today's question will be:
Have you ever seen anime filler that you liked? If so, what?
(P.S. Keba Si Rota will be posting her answer in the comments.)
Thank you so much, Keba for giving this idea! I really appreciate it. C=
MY ANSWER: Well, the thing is..that I actually never have watched an anime filler before. And that's why, I can't really answer this question. XD Whoops, sorry Keba. But I can't wait to see all of yours! ^^;
Looking forward to your answers~! ♥
Konichiwa mina,
I haven't posted a questions for a while now and it's because I couldn't think of any. I'm sorry, if you have been waiting so patiently for one! But anyways, I hope you like this question.
Today's questions will be:
Would you like to be in an anime?
MY ANSWER: Definitely! I would love to to be an anime girl. <3 The story lines in an anime are so fantastic and I'm so eager to take part in the fun as well! XD Also, I would love to be friends with the people in the anime, and cooperate with them as we go on. :)
I'm looking forward to your answers~! ^^
Konichiwa Mina,
Ugh, I have been so busy lately, I couldn't even find time to post. I can't believe I haven't posted for so long. D: Gomenesai, mina. Anyways, I noticed that I haven't posted a question that starts with a "why" and so I thought it might be interesting.
Today's question will be:
Why do you take interest in anime?
MY ANSWER: One of the reasons that I take interest in anime is because of the art. It's very unique, because of it's big cute eyes and how they draw them is great. Many anime have very great story lines. In fact, everyone one of them does. (It's just that I don't like ALL of them.) XD
Leave your answers in the comments~
Konichiwa Mina,
Time for another question! ^^ This question didn't take so much time to think about and it pretty much had been stuck in my head all day! XD But anyways,
Today's questions will be:
What is the first anime you ever watched?
(NOTE: First name your first one, and then you can name the other ones.)
MY ANSWER: As you might know or might not know, I discovered anime when I was 6. I liked the cuteness of the characters like their big eyes. ^^ The first anime I EVER watched was anime called "Onegai My Melody." I'm not sure if many people know this anime, but I really enjoyed it! The second anime I watched was....I think it was..Sailor Moon! I love that show. *_*
[P.S I'm not sure if any of you are annoyed by it, but my posts are very long! Sorry if you hate the fact that they're long. x3]
Leave your answers in the comments~
Konichiwa Mina,
Hi there, Otaku-artists! I'm here once again, with another question! This one took me time to think about! I hope you like it.
Today's Question will be:
What is the best thing you like on theOtaku.com?
MY ANSWER: To be honest, when I was thinking about joining theO...I thought I wouldn't make any friends! I had thoughts that people were going to ignore me and not going to talk to me. I was thinking negative, and then when I finally made up my decision of joining it...BAM! So many friendly artists started talking and helping me! I was really happy. ^^
I just want thank all my subscribers, friends, and helpers for all your support!
I'm very very very glad that I was able to meet you! The best thing I like on theO is all the friendly artists here! They make me feel right at home!
Leave your answers in the comments!~