Konichiwa Mina,
Happy Valentines Day to everyone here on theOtaku.com!
I love you all so much, and I hope all our friendships will grow even stronger!
Today, I have a nice Love Question that I want to ask all of you!
Today's Question will be:
Who is your Love from your favorite anime?
(NOTE: It could be more than 2 people)
MY ANSWER: I love many boys from all lot of my anime! But if I had to choose 3, then it would have to be Zero from Vampire Knight, L from Death Note, and Ikuto from Shugo Chara! They're all so smexy, and cute! x3 
Leave your answers in the comments!~
Konichiwa Mina,
Hi there, Otaku-artists! I'm here once again, with another question! This one took me time to think about! I hope you like it.
Today's Question will be:
What is the best thing you like on theOtaku.com?
MY ANSWER: To be honest, when I was thinking about joining theO...I thought I wouldn't make any friends! I had thoughts that people were going to ignore me and not going to talk to me. I was thinking negative, and then when I finally made up my decision of joining it...BAM! So many friendly artists started talking and helping me! I was really happy. ^^
I just want thank all my subscribers, friends, and helpers for all your support!
I'm very very very glad that I was able to meet you! The best thing I like on theO is all the friendly artists here! They make me feel right at home!
Leave your answers in the comments!~
Konichiwa Mina,
Hey y'all! Once again, I have another question that I want to present to you, and I think it's a pretty interesting one! :D
So today's question will be:
Who is your favorite Villain from your favorite anime/manga?
(Note: You don't have to put a explanation! If you want to, that would be great!)
MY ANSWER: First of all, I don't necessarily have a favorite anime but I'l just choose Code Geass. Out of all the Villains there, I would choose Lelouch because he was practically the Villain of the show! But I choose him because I love his personality. I liked how he kept going and never gave up.
Leave your answers in the comments!
Talk to you laterz~
Kanichiwa Mina,
Hi y'all! I'm so happy I got some really nice answers in my last post and they were all so wonderful! I liked how you guys stuck with your opinions! ^^
Anyways, since the last time I did this type of question, I got so many answers and Positive Comments, I thought of doing another one again!
Today's Question will be:
Who is your least favorite anime character?
For me, that's pretty hard because I like a lot of characters! But to be honest, I kinda dislike Lloyd from Code Geass. I thought of him as a kinda annoying character and he just didn't fit in my Interests.
Leave your answers below!
Talk to you laterz~

Kanichiwa Mina,
Heyy y'all! Today, when I came back from School...I thought of this really cool question that I would post on my World! So here it is:
If you were able to be best friends with someone from any anime, who would it be?
(Note: It could be more than 1 and it could be from a manga too!)
Mine would be Okazaki Tomoya from CLANNAD! Because...he is such a strong person, he's hilarious, and he's nice too. I like how his friendship with Sunohara is so tight, I want to be friends with him too! ^^
Leave your answers in the Comments!~
Talk to you laterz