A world where I post my stories. I'm not that good, but I hope you'll like them! ^^ Please leave a comment on how you think I can improve, or if you like it.

Ah, I had nowehere else to put this (since I still don't get how to put two different pictures into an intro) So here is my Akatsuki membership card (would it be called that?)


I watched as Tamahome held her in his arms. “Tamahome?” I questioned, praying that it wasn’t really him. He looked up, “Miaka!” shock crossed his face. “Why?” I asked him, tears staining my...

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Sakura's Valentine

Ok, chocolates? Check! Smile? Check! I looked around. No Ino in site? Check! “Sasuke-kun!” I called out as I made my way over to Sasuke. He looked at me, glared at the box of chocolates I was holing, and walked away. “Ah! Wait! S...

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Sasuke's valentine

Valentine’s Day, the worst day of the year. Why couldn’t they just leave me alone for once? I sighed, as once again, it seemed as though every female genin in the village ran over to me. “Sasuke-kun! Happy Valentine’s Day!&...

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Naruto's Valentine

I will always be alone... I stood there, watching as all the girls squealed. Valentine’s Day, the worst day of the year. All the girls went gaga over Sasuke, no one ever even looked at me. I sighed and watched as all the girl...

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