Hello everyone! Namika here. This world will basicly be about what's currently happening with me...


A little background info:

I of course like Yaoi and am willing to fangirl it up with anyone ;D So just send me a pm and we can squeal over our favorite pairings... our you can suggest an anime with an awesome couple in it (canon or otherwise)!

I love to write! I'm planing on making another world just for my writing later on ;3

I have many favorite anime but my current favorite favorite is Kuroshitsuji aka Black Butler. Undertaker was and still is a favorite character but Alois has surpased him XD He is a very close second though!

I actually haven't really cosplayed before. Sad yes I know DX BUT! I almost have my parents persuaded enough to by me a Undertaker costume :3

I am planing on moving in with a friend and her family halfway through December so I can graduate with all my friends out there.

I no longer know what I should do for collage DX And I need to find out fast! So conflicted DX

And to end this on a happer note... I lovez CLAMP! Full of awesome ladies with awesome skills!


I haven't been here in a long time, huh? It seems like ages XD but I am back now to report lots of happenings!

The best would be my friends and I have formed a cosplay group! We're called Yume so -when we get a video out- check us out! We have like three video's planned but I don't know if they'll be comming out soon considering some cercomstances >.> We have four members and an honorary fifth member seeing as she doesn't watch/read anime/manga and will not be cosplaying. She has some awesomely sweet ideas though, hence the honorary title. Our group consists of me -I'll be going by Keiri564-, Kyo -she and I are co-founders-, Kuusou -Lover of the Sand; she's our advisor-, Kai, and Allashin -Our honorary member-.

So far only two of ous have Death Note cosplay but we're going to make a CMV featuring L, B and A. Kyo will be L, Kai will be A, and I'm going to be B. We all plan to get Kuroshitsuji costumes and have a video planned out for that as well. Kyo's going to be Grell, Kai's going to be Sebastian, and I'm going to be Undertaker. We're going to try to squeze Prince Soma in so Kuusou could be in it too but it might be difficult...

In other news... Anyone watch the Kuroshitsuji dubs? Don't they suck? I nearly threw a fit when I saw how they messed up Undertaker's scenes. The translation for that whole scene was totally wrong. Lau's joke was screwed up and the air was totally different. It wasn't creepy enough. On top of all that, most of the voices don't match in my opinion. Expecually Finny's! But I'm going to stop ranting about that...

I just jumped on the One Piece bandwagon XD I was bored and decided to finally get to reading it. I love it! I'm only on chapter 115 though so I have a lot of catching up to do... I started watching Princess Tutu as well. It's completely screwwy but I like it cuz its confusing :D

Well I've gotta do homework... we've had two days in a row off and I don't think we're getting another considering the roads aren't level two anymore... I think...
