Well today was just a normal day for me. Nothing happened in school. And coming home, it rained. So i got wet and cold and what not... But while walking home with my sister Janelle and my friend Brandon... Brandon stepped on my Apple bottom shoes... So i told him to bend down and wipe them off... calmly... and of course he refused... so I had to beg with... cuz those shoes were too expensive... plus I paid for them. So he wiped them off and we continued to walk home. Then something bad happened. JANELLE stepped on them. There was a big mark on them... and guess what?... I got pissed! HOW DARE SHE STEP ON THEM AND NOT EVEN APOLOGIZE FOR IT!!! THEN SHE DIDN'T WIPE THEM OFF! THEN SHE LAUGHED IN MY FACE!! AND SHE KNOWS HOW MUCH THEY COST!!!!!!!! WHAT KIND OF SISTER IS SHE?!?!?!!?!? Folks... never have a sister like Janelle... She might be funny sometimes and fun to be with... BUT SHE WOULD STEP ON YOUR EXSPENSIVE SHOES AND LAUGH IN YOUR FACE!!!! also she would not let you kiss her of her big shiny forhead... evilness... FOR THE RECORD JANELLE, YOUR BIG FORHEAD ISN'T NICE ANYMORE! IT'S PIMPLEY, BUMPY AND UNPLEASENT!!
... I like my style... I had a smexy outfit on today... Part glamorus, part rocker chick, part hip-hop diva, part Pop girl, and part Smart Skool girl.I'm the best Fashion diva!!!
Thanks for listening!! You have been offically informed about my life.